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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 4314
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
A. Speiser Environmental Consultants 2024. 240723004434: Renewal for ECC 01582 on EPL 6762 for exploration activates in Erongo Region.
Renewal for ECC 01582 on EPL 6762 for exploration activates.
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Geo Pollution Technologies 2024. 240719004423: ECC Renewal for the continued operations and management of the Port of Lüderitz, //Karas Region.
Renewed ECC is for the continued operations of the Port of Lüderitz's land-based facilities in Lüderitz, //Karas Region.
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Centre for Geosciences Research 2024. 240716004373: Renewal of ECC-01559 for EPL 5887, Namibia Minerals and Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd in Kunene Region.
Renewal of ECC-01559 for EPL 5887, Namibia Minerals and Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2024. 240530003882: Environmental Impact Assessment for the Rezoning of Erf 498, Oshikuku Extension 1 from "Single Residential" to "Local Business", Omusati Region.
5.1 (d) Land Use and Development - The rezoning of land from residential use to commercial use.
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2024. 240503003536: Environmental Impact Assessment for the Rezoning of Erf 3447, Ndama Extension 10, Kavango East Region.
Activity 5.1 (d) Land Use and Development Activities - The rezoning of land from residential use to industrial or commercial use.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240719004428: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the construction and operation of short power supply line - Maltahöhe, Hardap Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2020.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240719004427: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the construction and operation of short power supply line - Khorixas, Kunene Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2020.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240719004426: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the construction and operation of short power supply line - Karasburg, Karas Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2020.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240719004425: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the construction and operation of short power supply line - Gibeon, Hardap Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2020.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240719004424: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the construction and operation of short power supply line - Stampriet, Hardap Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2020.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2024. 240719004420: The operation of a charcoal production and storage plant in Outjo, Kunene Region, Namibia.

This ECC is for the renewal of the he operation of a charcoal production and storage plant in Outjo, Kunene Region, Namibia. WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTS (8.6) Construction of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and related pipeline systems. (Possible activity). Water is supplied through a NamWater pipeline network. A functional septic tank is present on site. WASTE MANAGEMENT, TREATMENT, HANDLING, AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES (2.2) Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, 1976.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
2024. 240718004413: Daily farming of pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Oyster Lagoon, Lüderitz, //Karas Region.
Oyster farm operation.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2024. 240712004320: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) ongoing / proposed exploration / prospecting in the Mining License (ML) No. 24B, Berg-Aukas Area, Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region, North-Central Namibia.

The renewed Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required ongoing / proposed exploration / prospecting in the Mining License (ML) No. 24B, Berg-Aukas Area, Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region, North-Central Namibia. Although the Proponent is holding a ML, no mining activities have taken place in ML area since the closure of the Berg-Aukas vanadium, zinc and lead mining operations in 1978 due to low global commodity prices.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2024. 240712004312: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) ongoing / proposed exploration / prospecting in the Mining License (ML) No. 1, Berg-Aukas Area, Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region, North-Central Namibia.

The renewed Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required ongoing / proposed exploration / prospecting in the Mining License (ML) No. 1, Berg-Aukas Area, Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region, North-Central Namibia. Although the Proponent is holding a ML, no mining activities have taken place in ML area since the closure of the Berg-Aukas vanadium, zinc and lead mining operations in 1978 due to low global commodity prices.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2024. 240712004311: Application for renewal and amendment of the ECC No. 01491 for the proposed 2D and 3D Seismic Survey Operations using the Vibroseis Trucks and Explorer 860 as the Energy Sources covering the Areas of Interests (AOI) in the Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73, Kavango Sedimentary Basin (KSB), Kavango West and East Regions, northern Namibia.

The renewed and amended REN (Proponent) Seismic Survey ECC No. 01491 granted on the 2nd July 2021 and expired 2nd July 2024 is required to support the proposed 2024 and 2025 2D/3D seismic survey operations which is part of the ongoing petroleum exploration activities in PEL 73. The following is a summary of the proposed 2024 and 2025 2D/3D seismic survey operations: 1) Proposed 2024 2D seismic survey operations: Survey test that will be undertaken using the Vibroseis trucks along the test lines Nos. 21-08 and 22-05, previously surveyed using the Explorer 860.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2024. 240712004310: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the ongoing marine diamond exploration, recovery and production operations in Atlantic 1 Mining License Area (MLA), Mining License No. 47, offshore south-west Namibia.

The renewed Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required for the ongoing marine diamond exploration, recovery and production operations in Atlantic 1 Mining License Area (MLA), Mining License No. 47, Offshore Southwest Namibia. DBMN operations involves a robust logistical arrangement in the search (exploration) and recovery and production of marine diamonds.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
2024. 240411003198: Construction, operation and decommissioning of Aquaculture Project at Omayanga Village, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region.

Construction, Operation and Decommissioning of Aquaculture Project at Omayanga Village, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region. This will involve recirculation aquaculture system using culture tanks for about 75 000 Three-spotted tilapia fingerlings obtained from Ongwediva Inland Aquaculture Centre in Oshana region.

Monday, 5 August 2024
2024. 240626004064: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed small-scale mining activities for semi-precious stones on Mining Claims 75066 - 75068, north-east of Karibib, Erongo Rgeion.

BBA Dimension Stone Mining cc seeks to operate their business activities within their proposed Mining Claims (MC 75066, 75067 and 75068) in the Erongo Region, in respect to Semi-Precious Stones. Principally, BBA Dimension Stone Mining cc has obtained Mineral Rights as Mining Claims (MC 75066, 75067 and 75068) from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and a complementary Environmental Clearance Certificate for Dimension Stones from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

Monday, 5 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003980: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation of the existing 66kv Otjikoto - Berg Aukas - Grootfontein transmission line including Berg Aukas, Khusib, and Grootfontein Substations and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation of the existing 66kv Otjikoto - Berg Aukas - Grootfontein transmission line including Berg Aukas, Khusib, and Grootfontein Substations and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Otjikoto - Grootfontein transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Otjikoto - Grootfontein line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Monday, 5 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003979: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Omburu - Marble transmission line and other associated infrastructure.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Omburu - Marble transmission line and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Omburu - Marble transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Omburu - Marble line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Monday, 5 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003978: The application to renew the Environmentl Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Welwitschia - Kamanjab transmission line including Welwitschia, Fransfontein, Kamanjab Substations and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Welwitschia - Kamanjab transmission line including Welwitschia, Fransfontein, Kamanjab Substations and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Welwitschia – Kamanjab transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Welwitschia – Kamanjab line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Monday, 5 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003977: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Omburu - Uis transmission line including Uis and Okombahe Substations and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Omburu – Uis transmission line including Uis and Okombahe Substations and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Omburu - Uis transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV 66kV Omburu - Uis line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Monday, 5 August 2024
EnvironClim Consulting Services 2024. 240519003721: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the operation of the existing scrap metals handling facility in Northern Industrial Area, Windhoek, Khomas Region.
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the operation of the existing scrap metals handling facility in Northern Industrial Area, Windhoek, Khomas Region.
Monday, 5 August 2024
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2024. 240513003588: The construction and operation of a lodge in the Hobatere Roadside Concession, Kunene Region.
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 6. The construction of resorts, lodges, hotels or other tourism and hospitality facilities. OTHER ACTIVITIES 11.2 Construction of cemeteries, camping, leisure and recreation sites.
Monday, 5 August 2024
NAMISUN Environmental Projects and Development 2024. 240507003553: Renewal of ECC for further Proposed seismic (i.e. 3-Dimensional (3D) towed streamer and ocean bottom node (OBN)) surveys and related activities in PEL 83, Orange Basin, Namibia.

"PEL 83" is a Joint Venture between the block partners, namely Windhoek PEL 28 B.V. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Galp Energia E&P B.V (i.e. Galp)), the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) and Custos Investments. Galp holds an 80% controlling interest in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 83, while NAMCOR and Custos each hold 10%. Galp is currently the operator of PEL 83. Windhoek PEL28 B.V. (i.e.

Monday, 5 August 2024
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2024. 231214002567: The proposed construction of an ammonia pipeline from Farm 58 to Walvis Bay Port, Erongo Region, Namibia.

Table 1- Listed activities triggered by the proposed project LISTED ACTIVITY EIA SCREENING FINDING 9. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TREATMENT, HANDLING AND STORAGE 9.1) The manufacturing, storage handling, or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974.

Monday, 5 August 2024
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2024. 231214002568: The proposed construction of a hydrogen pipeline from Arandis to Farm 58, Erongo Region, Namibia.

LISTED ACTIVITY EIA SCREENING FINDING 9. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TREATMENT, HANDLING AND STORAGE 9.1) The manufacturing, storage handling, or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974.

Friday, 2 August 2024
2024. 240718004409: Renewal of ECC for ML11 at Cape Cross in Erongo Region.
Renewal of current ECC as the current ECC expires 15 August 2024. Previous online application were removed by Ministry from the portal.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Erongo Consulting Group 2024. 240715004336: Renewal for ECC for rezoning of Erf 6288 - Proposed Health Care Facility, Erf 6288, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia.

Project Focus: This project centers on renewing the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for a proposed healthcare facility on a 1.5-hectare public open space (Erf 6288) in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia. Environmental Compliance Renewal: The rezoning from public open space to institutional use necessitates an updated EMP to demonstrate continued adherence to Namibia's Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the principles established at the Earth Summit.

Friday, 2 August 2024
Plan Africa Consulting 2024. 240715004330: Township establishment on Erf 3058 and the Remainder of Erf 3057 Keetmanshoop.
Renewal and Amendment of the Environmental Clearance Certificate or the Establishment of Townships on Erf 3058 and the Remainder of Erf 3057 (previously consolidated Erf 979) Keetmanshoop.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants 2024. 240627004070: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the prospecting and exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 4761 near Karibib in the Erongo Region.
ECC Renewal for the Prospecting and Exploration Activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 4761 near Karibib in the Erongo Region.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Enviro-Leap Consulting 2024. 240624004033: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed prospecting and mining of industrial mineral on Mining Claim No. 75298, situated south-west of Arandis, Erongo Region.

Mr. David Nekwaya (herein referred to as the Proponent), is a fully Namibian citizen who ventures in the minerals exploration and mining sector. Their aim is to take advantage of the opportunity for self-employment and job creation that exist in the mining sector of Namibia. Mr. David Nekwaya seeks to operate their business activities within their proposed Mining Claim (MC No. 75298) at Karibib in the Erongo Region, in respect to Industrial Mineral (small-scale exploration and mining).

Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003987: The Application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Witvlei - Omaheke transmission line including Witvlei and Omaheke Substations in Omaheke Region.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Witvlei – Omaheke transmission line including Witvlei and Omaheke Substations in Omaheke Region. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the management and operation of the 66kV Witvlei - Omaheke transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Witvlei - Omaheke line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003986: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Witvlei - Gobabis transmission line including Gobabis substation and other associated infrastructures.
The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Witvlei – Gobabis transmission line including Gobabis substation and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Witvlei - Gobabis transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Witvlei - Gobabis line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.
Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003985: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Hardap - Mariental transmission line including Mariental Substation and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Hardap – Mariental transmission line including Mariental Substation and other associated infrastructures. In 2021, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Hardap - Mariental transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Hardap - Mariental line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003984: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 220kV Omburu - New Khan 1 and 2 transmission lines including New Khan substation and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 220kV Omburu - New Khan 1 & 2 transmission lines including New Khan substation and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of the 220kV Omburu - Khan 1 and 2. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Bismarck - Witvlei line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003983: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Otjiwarongo - Matemba transmission line including Matemba Substation.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Otjiwarongo - Matemba transmission line including Matemba Substation. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Otjiwarongo - Matemba transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Otjiwarongo - Matemba line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations. This application will also include the Matemba Substation that was not previously included.

Friday, 2 August 2024
NamPower 2024. 240613003982: The application to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Otjikoto - Asis West transmission line including Asis West substation and other associated infrastructures.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66kV Otjikoto – Asis West transmission line including Asis West substation and other associated infrastructures. In 2020, NamPower obtained the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the maintenance and operation of the 66kV Otjikoto - Asis West transmission line. NamPower would therefore like to apply for the renewal of the ECC for 66kV Otjikoto - Asis West line in order to comply with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants 2024. 240708004222: ECC application: Operations of the existing Dumpsite for Outapi Town in the Omusati Region.
Operations of the Existing Dumpsite for Outapi Town in the Omusati Region.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants 2024. 240707004188: ECC application for the existing fuel tank at Engoyi for the upgrading works of DR3645 (16.3km: Engoyi to Omuntele) in the Oshikoto Region.
Existing Fuel Tank at Engoyi for the Upgrading Works of DR3645 (16.3km: Engoyi to Omuntele) in the Oshikoto Region.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Enviro-Leap Consulting 2024. 240703004133: Environmnetal Clearance Certificate for the proposed establishment and installation of DanAon Energy's 40 MW PV Solar Park on a 20 Ha at Maltahöhe, Hardap Region.

DanAon Energy (Pty) Ltd (herein referred to as the proponent), is a Namibian registered and owned solar energy company focused on green solutions for power generation. DanAon is in the process of obtaining a license / approval from the Electricity Control Board of Namibia, to develop a 40 MW grid connected Photovoltaic Solar generating plant at Maltahöhe in the Hardap Region. DanAon Energy (Pty) Ltd aims to develop the solar energy project using PV technology to generate electricity in Namibia.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2024. 240612003974: Proposed construction of five concrete platforms and upgrading an existing wash and service bay for NamPower service vehicles at Brakwater, Khomas Region, Namibia.

Listed activities triggered by the project include: LISTED ACTIVITY EIA SCREENING FINDING WASTE MANAGEMENT, TREATMENT, HANDLING, AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES (2.3) The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit or export of waste. - Wastewater effluents and other types of waste may pollute groundwater and the nearby intermittent river. - Wastewater discharge permit may be required. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TREATMENT, HANDLING AND STORAGE (9.1) The manufacturing, storage handling, or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2024. 231124002510: Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed subdivision of Portion 2 of Farm Monte Christo No 46 into 9 Portions and Remainder and registration of 13 meter Right of Way Servitude, Windhoek, Khomas Region.
Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure-The construction of public roads. Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure- The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where it is a public road.
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) 2024. 240228002888: Amendment and renewal of ECC for the Seismic Survey Programme in Licence Block 2912 and 2913B, Orange Basin, Namibia.

TotalEnergies E&P Namibia B.V. ("TEEPNA") is the holder of two Exploration Licences for Blocks 2912 and 2913B. TEEPNA currently holds an Environmental Clearance Certificate and approved Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for a 3D seismic survey (dated 29 June 2021) over a portion of Blocks 2912 and 2913B. The current ECC provides for the undertaking of a 3D Seismic survey covering an area of Blocks 2912 and 2913B. TEEPNA is now applying to amend its ECC to cover the full extent of Licence Blocks 2912 and 2913B, a total area of 18 170 km².

Monday, 29 July 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240711004275: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Mupini Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2021.
Monday, 29 July 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240711004274: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Rupara Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2021.
Monday, 29 July 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240711004273: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Rundu Gate Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2021.
Monday, 29 July 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240711004272: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Rooidaghek Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Otjozondjupa Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2021.
Monday, 29 July 2024
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2024. 240711004271: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Omatako Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Otjozondjupa Region.
The application is an application for a renewal of an ECC issued 2021.

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