240228002888: Amendment and renewal of ECC for the Seismic Survey Programme in Licence Block 2912 and 2913B, Orange Basin, Namibia
Publication Year:

TotalEnergies E&P Namibia B.V. ("TEEPNA") is the holder of two Exploration Licences for Blocks 2912 and 2913B. TEEPNA currently holds an Environmental Clearance Certificate and approved Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for a 3D seismic survey (dated 29 June 2021) over a portion of Blocks 2912 and 2913B. The current ECC provides for the undertaking of a 3D Seismic survey covering an area of Blocks 2912 and 2913B. TEEPNA is now applying to amend its ECC to cover the full extent of Licence Blocks 2912 and 2913B, a total area of 18 170 km². This would allow for TEEPNA to acquire further detailed seismic data across multiple survey periods in the previously authorised survey areas as well as the remaining extent of the blocks not yet surveyed. TEEPNA is also applying to add the option of undertaking Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) surveys to acquire further fine-scale 3D seismic data. The proposed amendments to the ECC (29 June 2021) and specifically to the Project Description in the ESIA Report (SLR, 2021) covers the following items: Undertaking of an expanded 3D Seismic survey programme; and Survey Technology. It is not anticipated that the proposed amendments will result in any significant changes in the nature of the project activities described in the approved 2021 ESIA Report. TEEPNA is at the same time also applying for the renewal of its current ECC (ECC-01475) which expires on 29 June 2024.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 30 July 2024

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