What is the EIS eLibrary?
The eLibrary is a free, online information resource on Namibia
The Environmental Information Service is Namibia's 'one-stop shop' for public environmental information, both through providing data directly and by providing links to other sources of information. There are several components, including the eLibrary. Visit the-eis.com to see other components.
The eLibrary includes a large volume and variety of information and new information is being added on an ongoing basis.
From August 2016 the development of the Environmental Information Service has been supported through funding from the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE). The NCE is an umbrella organisation established as a voluntary association to support and promote the interests of environmental NGOs and their work to protect Namibia’s environment, biodiversity and landscapes. One of the NCE’s operational objectives is to facilitate access to reliable environmental information. The Environmental Information Service is an important vehicle to help achieve this objective.
See the Sponsors page for more information.
» See more about the datasets contained in the EIS.
Why do we need an eLibrary?
Unlike a physical library, the eLibrary can be accessed at any place and any time convenient to you. From the most remote areas of Namibia – provided there is internet connection or mobile phone coverage – to the academic capitals of the world, the eLibrary is a great leveller. It democratises access to reliable environmental information.
A lot of information exists which is not easily accessible elsewhere. This includes literature, reports, GIS data and other environmental information. Often, finding out what information exists and then obtaining it is a long and time-consuming process. The EIS eLibrary brings together data and information from a wide range of sources with a user-friendly search interface. Once you have searched for and found the information you require you can download it for free.
Who can use it?
Anyone with internet access can use the EIS. It is of value to researchers, students, NGOs, government staff and more, both within Namibia and further afield.
» Read more about the Terms of Use of the eLibrary.
How to use the eLibrary
This web site provides a way to search and retrieve information from the Environmental Information Service of Namibia eLibrary. Use the Search links to search for information based on keywords or words/phrases in the data title or keywords.
» Read more about the themes and keywords used to categorise resources.