240411003198: Construction, operation and decommissioning of Aquaculture Project at Omayanga Village, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region
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Construction, Operation and Decommissioning of Aquaculture Project at Omayanga Village, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region. This will involve recirculation aquaculture system using culture tanks for about 75 000 Three-spotted tilapia fingerlings obtained from Ongwediva Inland Aquaculture Centre in Oshana region. The operation of this project will be done in a high tunnel greenhouse/structure which is a far better option economically and also in terms of environmental sustainability, with minimal environmental impacts due to its low effluents production, and low water usage but with high production capacity and manageability. The expected annual production out is around 12 tonnes. The construction of the project will be done on a 1368-metre square surface area within the acquired portion of land measuring 10.2 hectares.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 6 August 2024

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