240624004033: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed prospecting and mining of industrial mineral on Mining Claim No. 75298, situated south-west of Arandis, Erongo Region
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Mr. David Nekwaya (herein referred to as the Proponent), is a fully Namibian citizen who ventures in the minerals exploration and mining sector. Their aim is to take advantage of the opportunity for self-employment and job creation that exist in the mining sector of Namibia. Mr. David Nekwaya seeks to operate their business activities within their proposed Mining Claim (MC No. 75298) at Karibib in the Erongo Region, in respect to Industrial Mineral (small-scale exploration and mining). Principally, he wishes to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed Mining Claims (MC No. 75298) in order to undertake exploration and small-scale mining activities.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 2 August 2024

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