240712004311: Application for renewal and amendment of the ECC No. 01491 for the proposed 2D and 3D Seismic Survey Operations using the Vibroseis Trucks and Explorer 860 as the Energy Sources covering the Areas of Interests (AOI) in the Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73, Kavango Sedimentary Basin (KSB), Kavango West and East Regions, northern Namibia
Publication Year:

The renewed and amended REN (Proponent) Seismic Survey ECC No. 01491 granted on the 2nd July 2021 and expired 2nd July 2024 is required to support the proposed 2024 and 2025 2D/3D seismic survey operations which is part of the ongoing petroleum exploration activities in PEL 73. The following is a summary of the proposed 2024 and 2025 2D/3D seismic survey operations: 1) Proposed 2024 2D seismic survey operations: Survey test that will be undertaken using the Vibroseis trucks along the test lines Nos. 21-08 and 22-05, previously surveyed using the Explorer 860. The objective of the proposed 2024 2D seismic survey test is to compare the subsurface imaging results of the Explorer 860 and Vibroseis and selected the best option for potential future 2D and / or 3D seismic surveys operations in PEL 73, and. 2) The proposed 2025 2D / 3D seismic survey: Comprise 657 linear km of 2D or alternatively ~388 km2 area of 3D seismic survey coverage area. The proposed 2024 and 2025 2D/3D seismic survey lines fall within the AOI covered by the previous environmental assessment studies for the completed Phases I, II and III 2D seismic surveys operations.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 6 August 2024

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