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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 3351 - 3400 of 4272
Thursday, 22 April 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002468: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Kayengona Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.

The reason for the ECC is for the renewal of an existing Kayengona Water Supply Scheme.

Thursday, 22 April 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002467: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Linus Shashipapo Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.

The ECC is the renewal of an existing ECC for the Linus Shashipapo Water Scheme.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
G&K Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002458: Application for the amendment and renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed Walvis Bay Extensions 16, 17 and 20 (Erf 5461 Walvisbay Extension 5).

The original ECC was issued for Extension 16 and 17 on 12 April 2016 has expired. Extension 17 has been developed, however extension 16 remains undeveloped and was further amended to make provision for more residential erven. This amendment has resulted in creation of additional extension 20, in addition to the existing extension 16. The amended extension 16 and 20 has to be submitted to the Townships Board for approval and a Environmental Clearance Certificate is required.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Cheetah Conservation Fund 2021. APP-002453: Renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for a tourism establishment.

The environmental clearance certificate is for the operation of an accommodation facility outside of a town. The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) a section 21 company engaged in education, research, and conservation activities wishes to register some of the staff and visitor housing on the main campus for use as public accommodation facilities. This involves four structures with a total of nine bedrooms. All are located on the main campus of CCF at Farm Elandsvreugde, 44km outside Otjiwarongo on road D2440.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
2021. APP-002237: Office space for rental.

Existing building structure for renting purposes situated in Omatyatya village in Oshikoto region

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
2021. APP-002236: Sales Business for building materials.

To set up a general business structure for selling building materials, animal fodder and operate a mini shop at Engoyi village in Oshikoto region.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2021. APP-002223: Exploration activities on EPL 7435 for nuclear fuel minerals in the Erongo Region, Namibia.

Exploration activities on EPL 7435 for nuclear fuel minerals in the Erongo Region, Namibia. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening finding forestry activities (4) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, aforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. Limited vegetation clearing may be required for tracks and survey access creation, and possibly for the setup of the survey teams’ field camps.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Ekwao Consulting 2021. APP-002229: Mining of tourmalines by Small Scale Miners (SSM) on a game farm: Otjakatjongo, located in Karibib District, Erongo Region.

There are four Small-scale Miners (SSM) with eighteen (18) Mining Claims (MCs) on a game farm, Otjakatjongo who are mining tourmaline. Six MCs are pending rewals while 12 MCs are new application. The Ministry of Mines and Energy would like an EIA done into the mining activities conducted by SSM and for a generic EMP to be prepared for such operations. With the EMP, the four SSMs would apply for their respective ECCs from MEFT. There are about 30 people SSMs working on the farm.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Ekwao Consulting 2021. APP-002184: Mining of tourmalines by Small Scale Miners (SSM) on game farm: Omapyu Sud in the magistrail district of Omaruru, Erongo Region.

There are about 38 Mining Claims (MCs) pegged by a total of 11 individual Namibians (or Small Scale Miners) on the farm Omapyu Sud, situated in the Omaruru district in the Region of Erongo. Out of the 38 MCs, 4 MC are active, 8 MCs are pending renewals and 26 MCs are new applications. MME would like an Environmental Scoping Assessment done into the mining activities of SSM, and for a generic Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to be developed to safeguard the mining activities of SSM on the said game farm.

Thursday, 8 April 2021
Seanton Investment Cc 2021. APP-001378: Construction of //Aiha Service Station on Erf 5, Tsumkwe Settlement, Otjozondjupa Region.

The applicant, Gaoxa Trading cc is scheduling to set up a service station on Erf 5, alongside C44 main road, West of Tsumkwe Settlement, Otjozondjupa Region. The proposed service station is to be named //AIHA Service Station. //Aiha is derived from a San language meaning “Chief” in Ju/’hoansi dialect, a symbol of forte in many African tribes. The construction of a service station is a listed activity, that requires an authorization and an environmental clearance certificate should be issued before construction begins. It is against this background that Mr.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2021. APP-002316: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for exploration activities for base and rare metals, industrial minerals and precious metals on EPL 6521, in the Otjozondjupa Regions, Namibia.

Title of Activity: Exploration activities for base and rare metals, industrial minerals and precious metals, in the Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia Listed Activities: Forestry activities (4) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, aforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Namland Consultants 2020. APP-002402: Environmental Impact Assessment reports for extract and process clay from Exclusive Prospecting License Number 3903, Omdel Dam area, Erongo Region.

Extraction and processing clay material.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Namland Consultants 2020. APP-002021: Environmental Impact Assessment Process for application of Exclusive Prospecting License Number 6443, Mining claim, 69857-69859, 70005-7009 Kaokoland, Kunene.

For application of Exclusive Prospecting License Number 6443, Mining claim, 69857-69859, 70005-7009 Kaokoland, Kunene.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002358: Subdivision of Erf 1730, Oranjemund Extension 5: Subdivision of Portion 184 (a portion of the Farm Oranjemund Townlands No, 165) into Portions A, B and the Remainder: Reservation of Erf A (a Portion of Erf 1730) and Portion B (a Portion of Portion 184) as a "street".

Activity 10.1 (b) The construction of public roads. Activity 10.2 (a) The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where it is a public road.

Friday, 2 April 2021
Enviro Dynamics 2021. APP-002426: Proposed construction and operation of the 50 MW IPPr Wind Park near Lüderitz, Karas Region.

The construction and operation of a 50MW Wind Park near Luderitz, in the Tsau Khaeb National Park, designated for an Independent Power Producer.

Thursday, 1 April 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002408: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance for the construction of facilities and storage and handling of petroleum products on Erf 3447, Walvis Bay.

Energy generation, transmission and storage activities - The construction of facilities for the refining of gas, oil and petroleum products. Hazardous substance treatment, handling and storage - The storage and handling of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any one location. - Construction of filling stations or any other facility for the underground and above ground storage of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid, petroleum, gas or paraffin.

Thursday, 1 April 2021
Enviro Dynamics 2021. APP-001675: Proposed wind power plant near Lüderitz.

Proposed Wind Turbines on two sub-sites as described in the Background Information Document and the reports, including associated infrastructure particularly the required transmission lines and substations. ECC required for construction and operation.

Thursday, 1 April 2021
Crowned Eagle Investments Consultants APP-002406: Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction and operation of a lodge establishment on Portion The Sorris-Sorris Conservancy at the T-Junction of road D2319 and the road to Ani-#gab, Kunene Region, Namibia.

We would want an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the purpose of constructing a Lodge in the Sorris-Sorris Conservancy Kunene Region.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021
2020. APP-002405: Mining Activities on Mining Claim No. 70383-70384 and 66575-66576 at Lofdal 491, Khorixas, Kunene Region.

Mining of base and rare minerals.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002397: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed Muzine Service Station on Portion A/72 of the Farm Townlands Gobabis No. 114 Gobabis, Omaheke Region.

This project was issued an environmental clearance certificate on 12 November 2015, and due to financial constraints the project could not start. The proponent has made some progress with finance now, and intends on renewing the ECC in order to comply with EMA Act no7 of 2007 and its regulations of 2012.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
WINPLAN Town and Regional Planning Consultatns 2021. APP-002363: Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for Township Establishment Extension 12, Tsandi.

For Township Establishment of one new Extension in Tsandi (Omusati Region, Namibia).

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Nam Geo-Enviro Solutions (NGS) 2021. APP-002343: Environmental Impact Assessment for the exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting Licenses 7405, 7406 and 7407 at Otjozondu village, Otjozondjupa Region.

The ECC is for the Exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting Licenses 7405, 7406 and 7407 at Otjozondu village, Otjozondjupa region. The Prospecting programme will consist of both non-invasive and invasive methods. The non- invasive method consist topographical and geophysical survey followed by a mapping and rock chip phase. The invasive method consist of both reverse circulation and Diamond Core Drilling.

Friday, 26 March 2021
Ritta Khiba Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002399: Proposed Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed township establishments on Portions 148 and 167 of the Farm Townlands of Gobabis No. 114, Gobabis, Omaheke Region.

The clients entered into a PPP agreement with the Gobabis Municipality to address the housing backlog by establishing two township respectively on the Townlands of Gobabis. As per the Environmental Management Act, this activity is subjected to an Environmental Impact Assessment. In order to finalise the township establishment process, the application need to be submitted to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development and the Environmental Clearance Certificate is therefore needed for this process.

Friday, 26 March 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002387: The construction of facilities and storage and handling of oil and petroleum products (Diesel) and the renewal of the Environmental Clearance for the materials recovery facility and construction, storage and handling of oil and petroleum products for Rent-A-Drum for Swakopmund, Erongo Region.

Energy generation, transmission and storage activities - The construction of facilities for the refining of gas, oil and petroleum products. Hazardous substance treatment, handling and storage - The storage and handling of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any one location. - Construction of filling stations or any other facility for the underground and aboveground storage of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid, petroleum, gas or paraffin.

Friday, 26 March 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002386: Construction and operations of a Fuel Retail Facility in Rocky Crest, Windhoek.

ECC is for the Construction and Operations of a Fuel Retail Facility in Rocky Crest, Windhoek.

Friday, 26 March 2021
Erongo Consulting Group 2021. APP-002251: Affordable Housing Project of ±330 dwelling units: 5ha Portion of Erf 5757 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region of Namibia.

It is the intention of the proponent to construct about 330 affordable housing units and related infrastructure on a 5- hectare portion of Erf 5757 Kuisebmond for the affordable housing project in Walvis Bay. The proposed site is an unsurveyed / unserviced 5-hectare and situated on the northern edge of Kuisebmond along Independence Avenue. It is currently planned that this erf be partially subdivided into single residential units.

Thursday, 25 March 2021
Nghivelwa Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002391: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for Fuel Retail Facility in Oshigambo, Oniipa Constituency, Oshikoto Region.

Renewal of an existing Environmental Clearance Certificate.

Thursday, 25 March 2021
APP-002378: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed 8MW wind farm next to Sperrgebiet Diamond Mining's Elizabeth Bay (EBay) mine, Mining Licence (ML) No. 45, with access roads, lifting pads and overhead power lines to the nearby substation.

The environmental clearance certificate is for Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed 8MW wind farm next to Sperrgebiet Diamond Mining’s Elizabeth Bay (EBay) mine, Mining Licence (ML) No. 45, with access roads, lifting pads and overhead power lines to the nearby substation, located in Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, Lüderitz district, //Karas Region, Namibia. 2.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Green Gain Consultants 2021. APP-002369: Subdivision of Erf 5360 and creation of a public road (Street) in Extension 15, Swakopmund.

The Municipality of Swakopmund is in the process of redesigning the remainder of Erf 5360, Swakopmund Extension 15 by sub-dividing it into seven portions and remainder. As a result of this redesigning, a public road (street) will be created to provide access to the created erven. In terms of the Environmental Management Act (act No. 07 of 2007), "the creation a public road" cannot be done without an Environmental Clearance Certificate being obtained.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2021. APP-002368: Renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the exploration activities at EPL 2229, in the Lüderitz district, Rosh Pinah, //Karas Region.

Renewal of an environmental clearance certificate for the exploration activities at EPL 2229, in the Lüderitz district, Rosh Pinah, //Karas Region. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening findings forestry activities (4) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, aforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Amushila JK 2021. APP-002347: Environmental Impact Assessment for the Tubussis small-scale mining hotspot, Erongo region.

The Tubussis mining hotspots consists of mining claims which are owned and operated by different individuals and/or as groups. Mining activities mainly include artisanal and semi-mechanized methods which are used in extracting a wide range of gemstones. Although mining activities have been taking place for many years at this area, there has not been any Environmental Impact Assessment study done. Thus, ECCs for SSMs have in the past been issued upon completion of Environmental questionnaire and signing a pro-forma Environmental Contract.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2021. APP-002219: Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed mining activities on Mining Claims No. 72037-72042 located northeast of Karibib, Erongo region.

The Proponent plans to conduct small scale mining for the Dimension Stones group. An Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required in order for the mining activity to occur on MCs 72037, 72038, 72039, 72040, 72041 and 72042. Prospecting and mining form part of the listed activities that may not be undertaken without an ECC.being issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) upon submission of an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) and draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-001998: The Construction and operation of Four Oxidation (Sewer) Ponds in Tses Village, //Karas region.

Proposed construction and operation of a Wastewater Managment Facility (Four New Oxidation Ponds) in Tses Village, //Karas Region.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
2020. APP-002372: Mining Activities on Mining Claim No. 70334 - 70335, Klein Aukas, Karibib, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
2020. APP-002371: Mining activities on Mining Claim No. 72411, Otjimbingwe, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
2020. APP-002370: Mining activities on Mining Claim No. 70308 - 70309 and 70313 and 70314, Opuwo, Kunene Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2020. APP-002269: Transfer: Environmental Clearance Certificate of Mining License (ML) 213 on Okawayo Farm 46 in the Karibib District, Erongo Region.

Environmental Audit Report for the renewal of Mining License (ML) No. 213 and 214 on Okawayo Farm 46 in the Karibib District, Erongo Region. Audit period is September 2019 - December 2020.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2020. APP-002268: Transfer: Environmental Clearance Certificate of Mining License (ML) 214 on Okawayo Farm 46 in the Karibib District, Erongo Region.

Application for transfer of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from Mr Brain Kangura Mudumbi to Africa Big Lion Mining Pty Ltd. Africa Big Lion Mining Pty Ltd is the new holder of ML 214.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Erongo Consulting Group 2020. APP-002380: Proposed integrated animal and crop farming and related infrastructure at Mubiza Village, Katima Mulilo, Namibia.

The proponent is planning to embark on an Integrated Animal and Crop Farming initiative at Mubiza Village, which is some 30 km east of Katima Mlilo town, and is quite remote in the Zambezi Region of Namibia. Mwaka Integrated Farming CC has secured a 100-hectare piece of communal land to use for production of crop farming (agronomic) and crocodile rearing. The land of which is administered particularly by the local chiefs whose authority is governed by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development of Namibia. The proposed area is communal and quite remote in the Zambezi Region of Namibia.

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002384: EIA for the rezoning of Erf X of Erf RE/805, Outjo, Kunene Region, from "Local Authority" to "General Business".

Land use and development activities: The rezoning of land for commercial use.

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002345: Environmental Assessment for the construction and operation of a Truck Port in Ongwediva, Oshana Region.

The environmental clearance certificate is for: Activity 9.2 Hazardous Substance Treatment, Handling and Storage: Any process or activity which requires a permit, licence or other form of authorisation, or the modification of or changes to existing facilities for any process or activity which requires an amendment of an existing permit, licence or authorisation or which requires a new permit, licence or authorisation in terms of a law governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution, effluent or waste.

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Chameleon Environmental 2021. APP-002291: Renewal application for the existing EEC for the bitumen storage and bitumen emulsion production facility in Arandis Industrial, Erongo Region.

Application for the renewal of the existing ECC that expires on 31 May 2021.

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Green Gain Consultants 2020. APP-002348: Environmental Impact Assessment for Goboboseb small-scale mining hotspot, Erongo region.

The Goboboseb mining hotspots consists of mining claims which are owned and operated by different individuals and/or as groups. Mining activities mainly include artisanal and semi-mechanized methods which are used in extracting a wide range of gemstones. Although mining activities have been taking place for many years at this area, there has not been any Environmental Impact Assessment study done. Thus, ECCs for SSMs have in the past been issued upon completion of Environmental questionnaire and signing a pro-forma Environmental Contract.

Monday, 15 March 2021
Green Gain Consultants 2021. APP-002354: Creation of a public road (street) at Erf 542, Extension 1, Oshikuku in Omusati Region.

The property owner, Mr. Sevelinus Nakale has appointed TOYA Urban Planning Consultants cc to apply for the subdivision of Erf 542 located in Extension 1, Oshikuku., into seven portions and a remainder. As a result of this subdivision, a street network (crescent) with a width of approximately 10m, will be created to provide access to the newly created erven.

Monday, 15 March 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002327: Environmental Scoping Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the construction and operational activities of Bachmus Oil and Fuel Supplies' proposed depot in the New Light Industrial Area of Walvis Bay.

ECC is for the Construction and Operational Activities of Bachmus Oil & Fuel Supplies' Proposed Depot on Erf 5738 in the New Light Industrial Area of Walvis Bay. Once developed, erf 5738 will serve as the Proponent's oil and lubricant storage and retail outlet as well as bulk diesel sales facility.

Monday, 15 March 2021
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2021. APP-002303: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the establishment and mining of base and rare metals on mining claims 72252 and 72253 at Okomuhona Village, Opuwo Rural Constituency, Kunene Region.

The proponent intends to carry out mining activities to mine base and rare metals on the mining claims 72252 and 72253 at Okomuhona, Village, Opuwo Rural Constituency, Kunene Region.

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