
APP-002251: Affordable Housing Project of ±330 dwelling units: 5ha Portion of Erf 5757 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region of Namibia

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It is the intention of the proponent to construct about 330 affordable housing units and related infrastructure on a 5- hectare portion of Erf 5757 Kuisebmond for the affordable housing project in Walvis Bay. The proposed site is an unsurveyed / unserviced 5-hectare and situated on the northern edge of Kuisebmond along Independence Avenue. It is currently planned that this erf be partially subdivided into single residential units. The proposed development is a listed activity and requires an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC), and the purpose of this EIA study is to identify the direct and indirect impacts that the activity will have on the natural resources, eco‐system, and the socio‐ economic dimensions of the neighbouring communities and populations.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 26 March 2021

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