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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 3601 - 3650 of 4271
Thursday, 3 December 2020
I.N.K Enviro Consultants 2020. APP-001564: Environmental Impact Assessment for Zambezi Regional Council's proposed up-earthing of the embankment on the Nankuntwe Combined School Platform.

Zambezi Regional Council intends on obtaining an Environmental Clearance Certificate for their for upearthing the embankment of the Nankuntwe Combined School Platform. The aim is to raise the platform of the school in order to increase the carrying capacity and prevent damage and disruptions of classrooms due to the flooding. Furthermore, the project is designed to up-earth the embankment of the school ground of Nankuntwe Combined School to allow learners and their parents to relocate to such a higher ground during flood times as a permanent solution to the flooding problem.

Thursday, 3 December 2020
Geo Pollution Technologies 2020. APP-001174: Environmental Scoping Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the refurbishment and operations of the Midgard Country Estate.

ECC is for the refurbishment and continued operations of the Midgard Country Estate (hospitality industry).

Thursday, 3 December 2020
APP-001806: Environmental Impact Assessment for the Mining Licence 230 application for dimension stones on EPL 3783 situated at Trekkopje Farm 120, east of Arandis, Erongo Region.

NMED Investment Proprietary (Pty) Limited (Ltd) hold mineral rights under the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 3783 covering an area of 937.0858 hectares for the commodity, dimension stones and they intend to apply for a mining licence to carry out mining activities for the next 20 years after exploration activities proved the area feasible and financially viable.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020
2020. APP-002117: Mining activities on Mining Claim No.71626 at Opuwo, Kunene Region.

Mining of semi-precious stones.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002096: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Tsintsabis Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Oshikoto Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002094: The renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Otjinene Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Omaheke Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002091: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Ombika Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Oshikoto Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002090: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Terrace Bay Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kunene Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002089: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Sesfontein Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kunene Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002088: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Otavi Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Oshikoto Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002087: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Oshivelo Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Oshikoto Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002086: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Omarassa-Omatjene-Otjiwarongo Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Otjozondjupa Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2020. APP-002085: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Opuwo Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kunene Region.

The ECC application is for an existing ECC.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Advanced Environmental Agency 2020. APP-002061: Establishment of cash crop farming in Zambezi Region, Kongola Constituency.

The ECC is for practicing agricultural activities cash crop farming, horticulture.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Matrix Consulting Services 2020. APP-002052: Proposed new Champ Style Fuel Retail Facility in Outapi, Omusati Region.

The ECC application is for the construction and operation of a new fuel retail facility, in order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Matrix Consulting Services 2020. APP-002050: Proposed upgrade and continued operation of the existing Agra Mariental Fuel Retail Facility, in Mariental.

Agra Mariental Fuel Retail Facility has been in operation for many years before the EMA Act was promulgated. The ECC application is for the proposed upgrade activities and continued operations of the existing fuel facility. In order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2020. APP-002044: Amendment of Conditions of Title to allow for a "street" on Proposed Portion A and "general residential" on Proposed Portion B (a portion of portion 1) of the Remainder of the Farm Hoachanas No.120, Hardap Region.

Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure The construction of Public roads Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where - it is a public road.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Matrix Consulting Services 2020. APP-002037: Proposed upgrade and continued operation of the existing Nkurenkuru Fuel Retail Facility, at Nkurenkuru.

Nkurenkuru Fuel Retail Facility has been in operation for many years before the EMA Act was promulgated. ECC application is for proposed upgrade activities and continued operations of the existing fuel facility. In order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Matrix Consulting Services 2020. APP-002036: Proposed upgrade and continued operation of the existing Fysal Fuel Retail Facility, in Oshakati.

Fysal Fuel Retail Facility has been in operation for many years before the EMA Act was promulgated. The ECC application is for the proposed upgrade activities and continued operations of the existing fuel facility. In order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Matrix Consulting Services 2020. APP-002039: Proposed new access roads on new Portions 220 and 193 of the remainder of Farm Aussenkehr No. 147 and the subdivision of the remainder of Farm Aussenkehr No. 147 into Portion 201 and remainder, // Karas Region.

The ECC application is for proposed new access roads on portions 220 and 193; and subdivision of remainder of farm Aussenkehr into portion 201. This is done in order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Monday, 30 November 2020
Namibia Health and Safety Environmental Consultancy (NAMHSE) 2020. APP-001934: Environmental Management Plan for Tunacor Fisheries Ltd.'s existing Seawater Treatment and Discharging activities, Walvis Bay industrial Area.

In 2014, Tunacor Fisheries Limited (Tunacor) became 100% wholly Namibian owned fishing company from its predecessors South Africa and Spanish management. It was in 1958 that Tunacor was first established as a business infrastructure solely focused on Pilchard Cannery and Fishmeal. Over the years the company has grown and transformed into processing and the exporting of value-added fish products directly to retailers locally and international markets. The fishing factory currently employs over 2100 people and has a fishing fleet of 12 trawlers and 3 long liners.

Monday, 30 November 2020
SLR Global Environmental Solutions 2020. APP-001805: Environmental Clearance Renewal Application for Deep South Mining Company (PTY) Ltd.'s Haib Mineral EPL 3140.

The construction of facilities for any process or activities which requires a licence, right or other form of authorisation, and the renewal of a licence, right or other form of authorisation, in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining Act), 1992. Other forms of mining or extraction of any natural resources whether regulated by law or not. Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation and related activities.

Monday, 30 November 2020
APP-002084: Sand Mining Activity, Ohangwena Region.

Sand Mining Activity.

Thursday, 26 November 2020
Geo Pollution Technologies 2020. APP-002059: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the handling and transport of chemicals from the Port of Walvis Bay.

The ECC is for logistics related to international freight forwarding to Namibia and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Operations ensure a reliable delivery of chemicals to clients, and especially the local mining sector, of Namibia and other SADC countries.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Enviro Dynamics 2020. APP-002077: Developing a small Tented Lodge in the Concession area between the Hoarusib River and Cape Fria in the Kunene Region.

Constructing a Tented Lodge.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
NamPower 2020. APP-002007: The operation and management of the 66KV Hardap-Mariental Transmission line in Hardap Region.

The ECC is for the operation and management of the 66kV Hardap - Mariental transmission line. "The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity" requires an Environmental Clearance Certificate. However, the 66kV Hardap - Mariental line was constructed in 1981 prior to the commencement of the Environmental Management Act and its regulation, as a result there was no environmental impact assessment study conducted for the project prior to its development.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Tortoise Environmental Consultants (TEC) 2020. APP-001941: Construction and operation of a Diesel Depot (46 cubic) on Erf 163, Lafrenz, Windhoek.

Activity 9.4 Storage and Handling of dangerous good. The storage and handling of a dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any location.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Enviro Dynamics 2020. APP-001800: Subdivision of the remainder of the Farm Opakapaka Townlands No. 517 into Portion A ( Portion 7), B (Portion 8), C (Portion 9), D ( Portion 10), E ( Portion 11 ) and remainder.

Proposed Township Restablishment on 5 portions of the Ramainder of the Farm Opakapa Townlands no 517. Renewal of ECC Transfer of name from Veiinatobias Organisational and Sustainable Development Planner (Pty) Ltd to Okakarara Town Council The project has not yet been implemented and nothing to the baseline has changed.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2020. APP-001439: Environmental Impact Assessment for the establishment and mining of sand in the Okakango River, within the townlands of Okahandja, Okahandja, Otjozondjupa Region.

The establishment and mining of sand in the Okakango River within the townlands of Okahandja, Okahandja, Otjozondjupa Region.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
National Environmental Health Consultants 2020. APP-001841: Scrap Metal Sales cc.

Compliance with Environmental Management Act.

Monday, 23 November 2020
APP-001875: Environmental Assessment for the establishment and operation of an aquaculture (fish farm) and an agricultural project at Ohamuyala Village, Outapi Constituency, Omusati Region.

The proponent intends to establish and operate an aquaculture (fish farm) and an agricultural project on 6 hectares parcel of land at Ohamuyala Village, located approximately 5 Km west of Outapi in Omusati Region. The proponent will establish and operate both the aquaculture and agricultural projects concurrently. The area was initially given to the community to collect fire wood and the proponent has engaged the community to establish an aquaculture and an agricultural project.

Friday, 20 November 2020
Trinity Environmental Solutions 2020. APP-002011: Renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the construction of Okongo 2.75 MW PV Plant obtained 10 April 2017.

Renewal of existing ECC obtained 10 April 2017 Construction of a 2.5 MW PV Plant in Okongo Village

Friday, 20 November 2020
2019. APP-002067: Sand mining activities at Ondungu, Tsandi Constituency, Omusati Region.

Sand mining activity.

Thursday, 19 November 2020
Nam Geo-Enviro Solutions (NGS) 2020. APP-002057: Renewal of the for operations of the Mwene Fuel Service Station Omuntele Village, Oshikoto Region.

To renew environmental clearance of mwene Fuel Service Station at Omuntele , Oshikoto Region, That was expire .

Thursday, 19 November 2020
Advanced Environmental Agency 2020. APP-001864: Construction and operation of a filling station at Onankali, filling station in Oshikoto Region.

ECC for construction and operation of a filling station at Onankali.

Thursday, 19 November 2020
Outrun Consultants 2020. APP-001997: Construction and operation of a Ground Satellite Station in Okahandja.

Construction and operation of a Ground Satellite Station in Okahandja.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2020. APP-002060: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the exclusive exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 5263, in the Oshikoto Region.

Renewal of environmental clearance certificate for the exclusive exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 5263, in the Oshikoto Region. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening finding forestry activities (4) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, aforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020
2020. APP-001682: Salt Mining at Mile 68 salt pan, Erongo Region.

1. Construction and operation of salt crystallisers within the Mile 68 salt pan north of Henties Bay, 2. Construction and operation of a brine pipeline from the Cape Cross salt pan to Mile 68 salt pan, 3. Develop an accessory works area (includes fuel storage, construction of offices, small accommodation facility for supervisory, shift workers and security staff , ablution facilities, vehicle maintenance and parking area, processing plant and product storage area) 4. Produce salt in crystallisers and process the salt 5.

Monday, 16 November 2020
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2020. APP-002041: Application for amendment of the Title/Subject of the ECC to include the Mining License (ML) No. 224, Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Mining License (ML) No. 224, Powerline, Roads and Water Supply and Other Supporting Infrastructures, Okahandja Area, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia.

The amended ECC to include for the Mining License (ML) No. 224, Powerline, Roads and Water Supply and Other Supporting Infrastructures is required for the following proposed mine development activities: (i) Preconstruction. (ii) Construction. (iii) Operation, ongoing exploration, monitoring and rehabilitation, and. (iv) Closure, decommissioning, and aftercare.

Monday, 16 November 2020
2020. APP-001731: Exploration Activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 3498 situated in the Namib Naukluft National Park, Erongo Region.

Yellow Dune Uranium Resources (Pty) Ltd is a subsidiary of Reptile Mineral Resources and Exploration (Pty) Ltd, who also acts as the managing company. Yellow Dune was the holder of EPL3498 (Aussinanis) for which we have a valid ECC issued on 7 March 2019. Aussinanis has been fully explored (3999 drillholes over 43 936m). No further potential for significant uranium resource expansion exists. Thus an application was submitted to MME and the EPL was converted to a Mineral Deposit Retention License (MDRL) in January 2020.

Monday, 16 November 2020
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2020. APP-002032: Renewal and amendment of the environmental clearance certificate for the upgrade of the existing railway line located between Walvis Bay and Kranzberg stations, in the Erongo Region, Namibia.

Renewal and amendment of the environmental clearance certificate for the upgrade of the existing railway line located between Walvis Bay and Kranzberg stations, in the Erongo Region, Namibia. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening finding infrastructure 10.1The construction of- (c) Railways and harbours; The project involves upgrading the existing railway line to a standard of 18.5 tons axle load (tal), which will enable safe rail traffic at a maximum speed of 100 km/h for passengers and 80 km/h for freight. EMP (section 1).

Monday, 16 November 2020
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2020. APP-002027: Environmental Impact Assessment for the establishment of a factory for the manufacturing of rubber boots, shoes and related products on Erf 1132, Arandis, Erongo Region.

Hazardous substance treatment, handling and storage 9.1 The manufacturing, storage, handling or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. 9.2 Any process or activity which requires a permit, licence or other form of authorisation, or the modification of or changes to existing facilities for any process or activity which requires an amendment of an existing permit, licence or authorisation or which requires a new permit, licence or authorisation in terms of a law governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution, effluent or waste.

Monday, 16 November 2020
Urban Green 2020. APP-001887: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation of a warehouse and distribution centre (restricted business) at Portion 3 (a portion of portion 2) of the Farm Döbra No. 49 (Brakwater).

The Environmental Clearance Certificate Renewal is for: Activity 5.1 - The rezoning of land from - (a) residential use to industrial or commercial use Hazardous Substance Treatment, Handling and Storage Activity 9.2 - Any process or activity which requires a permit, licence or other form of authorisation, or the modification of or changes to existing facilities for any process or activity which requires an amendment of an existing permit, licence or authorisation or which requires a new permit, licence or authorisation in terms of a law governing the generation or release of emissions, poll

Sunday, 15 November 2020
Erongo Consulting Group 2020. APP-002040: Closure and rezoning of Erven 379, 402, 403, 404 and 410 from Public Open Spaces to Private Open Spaces, Swakopmund Proper, Namibia.

The proposed project is aimed at closing off the Erven as Public Open Spaces and rezoning them to Private Open Spaces. They are located in Swakopmund Proper and measure the following: 379 (1000m2), 402 (982.82m2), 403 (296.87m2), 404 (1376.43m2) and 410 (3991m2). They are in Windhuker Street. Some of the Erven didn’t have access to which is why we needed to redesign them. The Erven have been lying dormant for decades and Council wish to sell them off to individuals, hence the rezoning and closure. They are being rezoned to Private Open Space in order to keep their recreational function.

Sunday, 15 November 2020
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2020. APP-001857: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Exploration/Prospecting Activities in the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 7511 Outjo/Otjiwarongo Districts, Kunene/Otjozondjupa Regions.

The ECC is required for the following proposed minerals exploration activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (review of existing information and all previous activities in order identify any potential target/s in the EPL Area). (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based activities such as reginal mapping, aerial survey and existing data analysis and sampling to identify and verify potential targeted areas based on the recommendations of the desktop work undertaken under (i) above.

Sunday, 15 November 2020
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2020. APP-001856: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Exploration/Prospecting Activities in the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 7361 Omaruru/Otjiwarongo Districts, Erongo/Otjozondjupa Regions. The ECC is required for the following proposed minerals exploration activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (review of existing information and all previous activities in order identify any potential target/s in the EPL Area). (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based activities such as reginal mapping, aerial survey and existing data analysis and sampling to identify and verify potential targeted areas based on the recommendations of the desktop work undertaken under (i) above. (iii) Initial local field-based activities such as widely spaced geological mapping, sampling, surveying and possible trenching and drilling in order to determine the viability of any delineated local target, and. (iv) Detailed local field-based activities such very detailed geological mapping, trenching, bulk sampling, surveying and detailed drilling in order to determine the feasibility of any delineated local targets and conduct test mining activities. If the above exploration activities lead to positive results, the exploration data collected will then be put together into a prefeasibility report and if the prefeasibility result proves positive then a detailed feasibility study supported by detailed site-specific drilling, bulk sampling, laboratory tests and conduct test mining activities on the discovered mineralised locality will be undertaken. A positive feasibility study will be required to support the application for a Mining License (ML) together with a new site-specific Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) with specialist studies such as flora, fauna, socioeconomic, water, traffic, dust and noise modelling and archelogy being undertaken in order to support the application for the new ECC for mining and minerals process.
Sunday, 15 November 2020
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2020. APP-001855: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) application for the proposed exploration activities in the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 5465 Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region, Central Namibia.

The renewal of the ECC is required for the following proposed minerals exploration activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (review of existing information and all previous activities in order identify any potential target/s in the EPL Area). (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based activities such as reginal mapping, aerial survey and existing data analysis and sampling to identify and verify potential targeted areas based on the recommendations of the desktop work undertaken under (i) above.

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