
APP-001731: Exploration Activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 3498 situated in the Namib Naukluft National Park, Erongo Region

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Yellow Dune Uranium Resources (Pty) Ltd is a subsidiary of Reptile Mineral Resources and Exploration (Pty) Ltd, who also acts as the managing company. Yellow Dune was the holder of EPL3498 (Aussinanis) for which we have a valid ECC issued on 7 March 2019. Aussinanis has been fully explored (3999 drillholes over 43 936m). No further potential for significant uranium resource expansion exists. Thus an application was submitted to MME and the EPL was converted to a Mineral Deposit Retention License (MDRL) in January 2020. This MDRL license will secure the resource found on EPL3498 for at least five years, to support Reptile's future endeavours. We submitted hard-copy application documents to MET on 20 February 2020 requesting the conversion of the ECC from EPL3498 to MDRL3498. We hereby would like to request that the ECC of EPL3498 is converted to an ECC for MDRL3498.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 16 November 2020

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