
APP-001682: Salt Mining at Mile 68 salt pan, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

1. Construction and operation of salt crystallisers within the Mile 68 salt pan north of Henties Bay, 2. Construction and operation of a brine pipeline from the Cape Cross salt pan to Mile 68 salt pan, 3. Develop an accessory works area (includes fuel storage, construction of offices, small accommodation facility for supervisory, shift workers and security staff , ablution facilities, vehicle maintenance and parking area, processing plant and product storage area) 4. Produce salt in crystallisers and process the salt 5. Construction of a bitterns discharge pipeline across hummock dune habitat 6. Complete the development of a new section of coastal road and associated intersection at the mine entrance. 7. Haulage of salt to Walvis Bay Harbour by truck.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 18 November 2020

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