
APP-002040: Closure and rezoning of Erven 379, 402, 403, 404 and 410 from Public Open Spaces to Private Open Spaces, Swakopmund Proper, Namibia

Publication Year:

The proposed project is aimed at closing off the Erven as Public Open Spaces and rezoning them to Private Open Spaces. They are located in Swakopmund Proper and measure the following: 379 (1000m2), 402 (982.82m2), 403 (296.87m2), 404 (1376.43m2) and 410 (3991m2). They are in Windhuker Street. Some of the Erven didn’t have access to which is why we needed to redesign them. The Erven have been lying dormant for decades and Council wish to sell them off to individuals, hence the rezoning and closure. They are being rezoned to Private Open Space in order to keep their recreational function.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 15 November 2020

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