
APP-001875: Environmental Assessment for the establishment and operation of an aquaculture (fish farm) and an agricultural project at Ohamuyala Village, Outapi Constituency, Omusati Region


The proponent intends to establish and operate an aquaculture (fish farm) and an agricultural project on 6 hectares parcel of land at Ohamuyala Village, located approximately 5 Km west of Outapi in Omusati Region. The proponent will establish and operate both the aquaculture and agricultural projects concurrently. The area was initially given to the community to collect fire wood and the proponent has engaged the community to establish an aquaculture and an agricultural project. The proposed mixed projects will be developed on a 6-hectare parcel of land which has been secured through the Ombalantu Traditional Authority (OTA). The main aim of the aquaculture (fish farm) and agricultural projects is to enhance food security for the local market and some countries in SADC regions in particular the southern part of Angola. The proposed aquaculture project will mainly focus on two genera namely; Tilapia spp. and Siluriformes (Catfish). Different fish ponds for breeding will be constructed and the waste water from the pond will be used for irrigation purposes on the proposed agricultural project. The agricultural project will be a mix of orchards and small plots of vegetable gardens. To ensure that there is valorisation taking places, a small factory consisting of different compartment such as a cooler, freezing and packaging will be constructed onsite and a fish and vegetable shop will be open at the site and in the vicinity of Outapi townlands. The proponent has determined through extensive market research that Ohamulaya village, the surrounding of Outapi and the southern part of Angola are experiencing shortages of fish, fruits and vegetables for household consumption and for commercial purposes.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 23 November 2020

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