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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 1451 - 1500 of 4275
Friday, 14 April 2023
I.N.K Enviro Consultants 2023. 221118000380: Proposed exploration activities on EPL 8520, located approximately 30km south-east of Uis, within the Karibib, Omaruru Districts, Erongo Region.

Mr. Gerhard Boetie Ndala has successfully obtained Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL) 8520, located approximately 30 km south-east of Uis Settlement, within the Karibib, Omaruru Districts, Erongo Region. EPL 8520 is approximately 15297 Hectares (ha) in size. The land on which the EPL is falls part of the Tsiseb Conservancy, Erongo Region. Mr. Ndala proposes to undertake exploration activities on EPL 8520 for Dimension Stone, Base and Rare Metals, Industrial Minerals and Precious Metals.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023
Geo Pollution Technologies 2023. 230314001132: Temporary consumer fuel installation supplying diesel to construction vehicles for the upgrade of the Henties Bay - Uis Road, Erongo Region.

ECC is for a temporary consumer fuel installation supplying diesel to construction vehicles for the upgrade of the Henties Bay - Uis Road, a section of the C35 main road, in the Erongo Region.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023
2023. 230314001131: Mining activities for semi precious stones on Mining Claim 73748, 73717 - 73718 at Karibib, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023
2023. 230314001130: Mining activities of semi precious stones on Mining Claim 68473 at Usakos, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2023. 230313001122: Environmental Assessment (EA) for the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continuous operation of the Farmhouse Deli filling station and associated facilities in Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia.

The proponent intends to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continuous operation of the Farmhouse Deli filling station and associated facilities in Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023
2022. 230327001197: Mining activities for semi precious stones on Mining Claim No. 73675 at Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023
LM Environmental Consulting 2023. 230309001114: Renewal of ECC for the mining of sand in the Swakop River, Farm Osona No. 65, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia.

Renewal of the ECC for the Environmental Scoping and Management Plan for the Mining of Sand by Namibia Construction (Pty) Ltd in the Swakop River, Farm Osona No. 65, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia Mining and Quarrying Activities 3.2 Other forms of mining or extraction of any natural resources whether regulated by law or not; and 3.3 Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation and related activities.

Monday, 10 April 2023
University of Namibia 2023. 230322001167: Namibia Satellite Data Direct Receiving Ground Station.

To construct a Direct Ground Satellite Data Receiving Station at the Telecom's Earth Station in Windhoek, that will enable Namibia to obtain remote sensing satellite data for research on Namibia's land cover and use, atmospheric condition, environmental condition, resources distribution, among others. This project is a funded aid by the Government of the People's Republic of China, on a State-to-State agreement on Space Science and Technology.

Monday, 10 April 2023
NamPower 2023. 230316001140: The Environmental Clearance Certificate Application for the operation and maintenance of an existing Kokerboom - Nabas 66kV transmission line in //Karas Region.

The Kokerboom - Nabas 66kV transmission line was constructed in 1998. The transmission and distribution of electricity is one of the listed activities. However, the line was constructed before the commencement of the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and therefore there was no environmental impact assessment study conducted for the project prior to its development. It is therefore against this background that NamPower intends to apply for the operational Environmental Clearance Certificate in order to comply to the Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

Monday, 10 April 2023
2023. 230210000980: Mining activities on Mining Claim 74066 at Karibib, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Monday, 10 April 2023
2023. 230210000979: Mining activities on Mining Claim 73808 - 73811 at Kamtibmund 83 (5), Karibib, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Monday, 10 April 2023
2023. 221123000404: Mining activities on Mining Claim 70343, 70344 and 70345 at Farm Ysterputs 254, Karas Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Sunday, 9 April 2023
Geokey CC 2023. 230317001160: ECC renewal for gravel mining activities within Swakopmund municipal land, Erongo Region.

Title of Activity: Gravel Mining on the Swakopmund Municipal Land Nature of Activity: Mining gravel for construction purposes Location of Activity: Swakopmund Townlands (See attached Map) Scale and Scope of Activity: Small scale borrow pit for gravel for civil work developing residential and industrial projects.

Sunday, 9 April 2023
Enviro Dynamics 2023. 230314001133: Renewal 02 - SunEQ Four Investments (Namibia) Pty (Ltd) 10 MV solar PV power plant at Ohorongo Cement.

Renewal 02 - SunEQ Four Investments (Namibia) Pty (Ltd) 10 MV solar PV power plant at Ohorongo Cement.

Sunday, 9 April 2023
Geokey CC 2023. 230130000932: Renewal - ECC for the development, construction and operations of the proposed Nonidas Industrial Township, Erongo Region.

Title of Activity: Development, construction and operations of the proposed nonidas industria township. Nature of Activity: Construction Location of Activity: 10 km east of Swakopmund in the Erongo (see map attached) Scale and Scope of Activity: The planned development comprises the establishment of various infrastructure components on 200 ha of land which will be subdivided into 127 erven.

Sunday, 9 April 2023
Junior Baiano Industrial Consultants 2023. 230120000866: Proposed construction and operation of a 5MW merchant solar photovoltaic plant in Rehoboth, Hardap Region, Namibia.

For the proposed construction and operation of a 5mw merchant Solar photovoltaic plant.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Junior Baiano Industrial Consultants 2023. 230317001155: ECC Renewal, transfer and amendment for the proposed mineral exploration activities on EPL 6909 in Karibib District, Erongo Region.

For the renewal of expired ECC, transfer of Environmental Clearance Certificate from Oshipaya Minerals cc to Luxury Investments 56 (PTY) Ltd and amendment of the EPL number that was mistakenly written as EPL 6906 instead of EPL 6909 on the ECC that was issued on the 5th of March 2019.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2023. 230316001142: Amendment of Environmental Clearance Certificate subdivision and consolidation of Erf 1132 and creation of street, Okakarara Extension 2, Okakarara, Otjozondjupa Region.

Subdivision of the Remainder of Erf 1132, Okakarara Extension 2 into Erven A, B and the Remainder; - Rezoning of Erf B/1132, Okakarara Extension 2 to from "Business" to "Street"; - Inclusion of rezoning of Erf B/1132, Okakarara Extension 2 in the next Okakarara Zoning Scheme; - Subdivision of the Remainder of Farm No. 517 of Okakarara Townlands into Portion A (± 11.7 ha) and the Remainder to be exchanged with the Government of Namibia for Erf 1132, Okakarara Extension 2. The proposed subdivision layout has changed in relation to the original application applied for.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023
NamPower 2023. 230308001110: The ECC application for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66KV Ruacana - Ruca - Etunda transmission line and Ruca Substation in Omusati Region.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66KV Ruacana – Ruca - Etunda transmission line and Ruca Substation. The 66kV Ruacana - Ruca - Etunda transmission line and Ruca Substation were constructed in 1971 before the promulgation of Environmental management Act and its regulation and there was no environmental impact assessment study conducted for the project prior to its development.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023
NamPower 2023. 230308001109: The ECC application for the for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66KV Marble - Karibib transmission line and Karibib Substation in Erongo Region.

The ECC is for the operation and maintenance of an existing 66KV Marble - Karibib transmission line and Karibib Substation. The 66kV Marble - Karibib transmission line and Karibib substation was constructed before the commencement of the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and there was no environmental impact assessment study conducted for the project prior to its development.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Impala Environmental Consulting 2023. 221208000653: Environmental Impact Assessment for mineral exploration activities on EPL 8472.

The applicant intends to explore the project area through non-invasive and invasive methods to determine if viable mineral deposits exist. It is foreseen that the exploration will include field mapping, surveying, literature review (non-invasive), drilling (invasive), trenching (invasive), Sampling, Analysis, Geological Modelling and Resource Estimation (non-invasive) over a period of an initial period of 3 years. The invasive activities would comprise digging of trenches and drilling of surface boreholes spaced from each other.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230309001113: The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPLs) 6031 and 6917 located near Rehoboth in the Hardap Region.

The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPLs) 6031 and 6917 located near Rehoboth in the Hardap Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230303001087: (Old ECC App - 00170) - Environmental Scoping Assessment (ESA) of small-scale mining activities on Mining Claims (MCs) No. 73353 - 73362 located near Okanguati, Kunene Region.

Small-scale mining activities on industrial minerals on Mining Claims (MCs) No. 73353 - 73362 located near Okanguati, Kunene Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230227001074: Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the proposed small-scale mining activities for semi-precious stones on Mining Claims 73337, 73338 and 73339 located in the Erongo Region.

The ECC is for mining activities for semi-precious stones on Mining Claims 73337, 73338 and 73339.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230216001005: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the existing oxidation ponds in Oshifo, Omusati Region.

Existing oxidation ponds in Oshifo, Omusati Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230216001003: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the existing ELCIN Cemetery in Omuthiya Town, Oshikoto Region.

Existing ELCIN Cemetery in Omuthiya Town, Oshikoto Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230216001002: Environmental Management and Closure Plan (EMCP) for the existing waste dumping site in Rehoboth Town, Hardap Region.

Existing waste dumping site in Rehoboth Town, Hardap Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230215000996: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the existing effluent (sewage) treatment plant in Lüderitz Town, //Karas Region.

Existing effluent (sewage) treatment plant in Lüderitz Town, //Karas Region.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2023. 221125000438: Subdivision, rezoning and creation of street of Farm Grootfontein Townlands No. 814, Otjozondjupa Region.

Activity 5.1 (a) Land Use and Development Activities The rezoning of land from - residential use to industrial or commercial use Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where – it is a public road Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure The construction of public roads Activity Subdivision of the Remainder of the Farm Grootfontein Townlands No.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2023. 221024000160: Subdivision and rezoning of Farm Neuweiler No. 525, Windhoek.

Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where – it is a public road Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure The construction of public roads Subdivision of Farm Neuweiler No. 525 into Portions A to G and Remainder, Windhoek; Registration of A 20m wide Right of Way Servitude over the Remainder of Farm Neuweiler No. 525 in favour of Portions A to G of Farm Neuweiler No. 525; Rezoning of Portions, A to G of Farm Neuweiler No. 525, Windhoek from "Agriculture" to "Single Residential".

Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) 2023. 230317001158: Amendment of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed continuation, development and expansion of the Okanjande Graphite Mine on ML 196 held by Northern Graphite Okanjande Mining (Pty) Ltd, including the processing of graphite ore and by-product.

The Okanjande graphite deposit is situated approximately 20 km south of Otjiwarongo in the Otjozondjupa region. The reserve has been determined as 34 million tons of graphite ore, contained mainly in flake form with an average carbon content of 5.14%, providing a consistent supply of high grade, large flake graphite. The mineral deposits were owned by Rössing Uranium Limited in the 1990’s, whereafter they were taken over by Gecko Graphite, who updated the previous studies done by Rössing Uranium Limited.

Friday, 31 March 2023
NamPower 2023. 230308001112: Application for the renewal of the Clearance Certificate for the construction and operation of low and medium voltage distribution lines in Hardap Region.

The renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the construction and operation of low and medium voltage distribution lines in Hardap Region as part of the national Rural Electrification (RE) Projects. An ECC was issued in 2019 and expired in October 2022 and NamPower seek the renewal of the ECC to include eleven (11) new projects in Hardap Region.

Friday, 31 March 2023
Excel Dynamic Solutions 2023. 230216001006: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the existing solid waste dumping site in Rundu, Kavango East Region.

Existing solid waste dumping site in Rundu, Kavango East Region.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2023. 230310001118: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for proposed / ongoing salt mining operations and other supporting infrastructures for the Mining License (MLs) 82A-F with additional / accessory land at Mile 68 and Cape Cross, Swakopmund.

The Proponent is applying for the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Proposed / ongoing salt mining operations and other Supporting infrastructures for the Mining License (MLs) 82A-F with additional / accessory land at Mile 68 and Cape Cross, Swakopmund District, Erongo Region. Rolf Gossow Holdings (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) holds minerals rights for industrial minerals (salt mining) under the Mining Licenses (MLs) No. 82A-F. The MLs 82A-F were granted on 01/04/1994 and will expire on the 31/03/2019.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Enviro-Leap Consulting 2023. 230307001098: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for TradePort Namibia's import-export trading operations of mineral ore (manganese and iron) and other commodities utilizing the Trans-Oranje Corridor via the Port of Lüderitz, Namibia.

TradePort Namibia (Pty) Ltd is a registered Namibian company, which ventures in the Import and Export Trade Operations that mainly entails the transportation, handling and storage of manganese and or iron lumpy ore and other materials like gypsum, fertilizer and lime and fuel (diesel and petrol) in bond by utilizing the Trans-Oranje Corridor linking the Port of Lüderitz. They have previously obtained an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) that is due to expire in May 2023 and now wishes to apply for the renewal of this ECC.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Greenspace Research Consultants 2023. 230306001096: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for sand mining activities from sand mine for KKKK Enterprise in Eshakeno Village, Ohangwena Region, Namibia.

Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for sand mining activities from sand mine for KKKK Enterprise in Eshakeno Village, Ohangwena Region, Namibia.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
NAMISUN Environmental Projects and Development 2023. 230306001093: The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Trekkopje Project on Mining License 151 (i.e. Mining Operation (Large+ Low Grade Uranium Resources) on Mining Licence 151, Erongo Region.

Renewal application: Continuation of mining and associated activities at the Trekkopje Mine. However, the Project was placed under 'Care and Maintenance' in 2013, with Orano postponing the launch of the Trekkopje Mine indefinitely, depending the future recovery of the uranium price.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
2023. 230227001071: Mining Activities for semi precious stones on Mining Claim No. 71331 at Goabeb, Usakos, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
2023. 230227001059: Mining activities for semi precious stones on Mining Claim No. 73434 at Tjikukutu, Kunene Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
NamPower 2023. 230223001030: Application for the renewal of the Clearance Certificate for the construction and operation of low and medium voltage distribution lines in Omaheke Region.

The Environmental Clearance Certificate is for the construction and operation of low and medium voltage distribution lines that form part of Rural Electrification (RE) projects at different localities in Omaheke Region. The EMP has been updated to include five (5) new projects to be constructed during the year 2023. In 2019, NamPower obtained the ECC for Rural Electrification projects in Omaheke Region and Expired in 2019.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Tortoise Environmental Consultants (TEC) 2023. 230221001021: The upgrade to bitumen standard of M0074 (270.35km: Grootfontein to Tsumkwe) Otjozondjupa Region.

The construction of public roads - The project entails the proposed upgrading of the M0074 Grootfontein – Rooidag gravel road to Bitumen standards (low volume).

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
2023. 230209000973: Mining activities on Mining Claim 73826 - 73829 at Karibib, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
2023. 230209000971: Mining activities on Mining Claim 69418 at Usakos, Erongo Region.

Mining of semi precious stones.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Plan Africa Consulting 2023. 230130000931: Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Participation Process for the construction and operation of a fuel retail facility on a Portion of Erf 171 Pamue-Okakarara, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia.

Construction of a Service Station.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2023. 221125000459: Drilling of proposed multiple exploration and appraisal wells with supporting infrastructures such as borrow pits, access roads, and related services in the Areas of Interest (AOI), Kavango Sedimentary Basin (KSB), Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73, Kavango East and West Regions, northern Namibia.

The ECC is required for the drilling of the proposed seismically defined prioritised exploration and appraisal wells Nos. D1-D6 and G1-G6 in the KSB, PEL No. 73. Reconnaissance Energy Namibia (REN) (Pty) Ltd, (the "Proponent") holds petroleum exploration rights under the PEL No. 73 covering Degree Square Block No. 1819 and parts of Blocks 1719, 1720, 1721, 1820 and 1821 over the Kavango Sedimentary Basin (KSB) in Kavango West and East Regions in northern Namibia.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2023. 221014000082: Township establishment, creation of street and installation of bulk services for Rundu Extension 38, Kavango East Region.

Activity 10.1 (a) (Infrastructure) The construction of oil water, gas and petrochemical and other bulk supply pipelines Activity 10.1 (b) (Infrastructure) The construction of public road Activity 10.2 (a) (Infrastructure) The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where - it is a public road.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2023. 230313001123:  Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the operation of a plastic extrusion plant on Plot No. 34, Shali Industrial Park, Brakwater, Windhoek, Khomas Region.

Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the operation of a Plastic Extrusion Plant on Plot No. 34, Shali Industrial Park, Brakwater, Windhoek. Plastic manufacturing, manufacturing or processing of any kind, the use of any chemicals, the emission of gasses to the air.

Monday, 27 March 2023
Urban Green 2023. 230310001117: Application for the transfer of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the 66kV power transmission line, Keetmanshoop District, //Karas Region.

The Application if for the name change from the current holder of Environmental Clearance Certificate (GreeNam Electricity (PTY) Ltd. to NamPower. Reason for Amendment(s): NAMPOWER ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 66kV OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION LINE WHICH DISTRIBUTES ELECTRICITY TO THE NAMPOWER HARDAP SUBSTATION FROM THE HARDAP PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PROJECT.

Monday, 27 March 2023
Ritta Khiba Planning Consultants 2023. 230308001111: Proposed permanent closure and rezoning of Portion A of Erf R/901 Omulanga, Extension 2, from public open space to business, Otjozondjupa Region.

Proposed permanent closure and rezoning of Portion A of Erf R/901 Omulanga, Extension 2, from public open space to business, Otjozondjupa Region.

Monday, 27 March 2023
Green Gain Consultants 2023. 230307001104: Rezoning of Erf 4369, Oshakati Proper from single residential with density of 1/300 to business with a bulk of 1, Oshana Region.

Mrs. Ester Ndapewa Embanga, hereinafter referred to as the proponent, is the owner of Erf 4369, located in Oshakati Proper, along the Mandume Ndemufayo Street. Erf 4369 is currently zoned "Single Residential; with bulk 1/300 and is occupied with a main house and flats. The owner intends to increase the development potential of the property by upgrading the main building to accommodate an office space, formalize the existing flats and create ample parking onsite for the customers.

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