
221024000160: Subdivision and rezoning of Farm Neuweiler No. 525, Windhoek

Publication Year:

Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where โ€“ it is a public road Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure The construction of public roads Subdivision of Farm Neuweiler No. 525 into Portions A to G and Remainder, Windhoek; Registration of A 20m wide Right of Way Servitude over the Remainder of Farm Neuweiler No. 525 in favour of Portions A to G of Farm Neuweiler No. 525; Rezoning of Portions, A to G of Farm Neuweiler No. 525, Windhoek from "Agriculture" to "Single Residential".

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 4 April 2023

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