
230310001118: Application for renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for proposed / ongoing salt mining operations and other supporting infrastructures for the Mining License (MLs) 82A-F with additional / accessory land at Mile 68 and Cape Cross, Swakopmund

Publication Year:

The Proponent is applying for the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Proposed / ongoing salt mining operations and other Supporting infrastructures for the Mining License (MLs) 82A-F with additional / accessory land at Mile 68 and Cape Cross, Swakopmund District, Erongo Region. Rolf Gossow Holdings (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) holds minerals rights for industrial minerals (salt mining) under the Mining Licenses (MLs) No. 82A-F. The MLs 82A-F were granted on 01/04/1994 and will expire on the 31/03/2019. A renewal application has been submitted and is currently pending with the Competent Authority, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). Since the granting of the ECC in 2018, no mining or processing operations have taken place due to the legal and operational challenges that have now been resolved, hence the application for the renewal of the ECC. The following is a summary of the developmental stages of the proposed solar salt project within the MLs 82A-F: (1) Preconstruction covering site preparation, material and equipment mobilisation for the development of the solar salt work. (2) Construction covering the installation of services such as service / access roads brine delivery pipelines, layout and foundation excavation for the solar salt evaporation ponds. (3) Operation and Maintenance covering the actual production of food and industrial grade salt, transport and maintenance activities include cleaning and maintenance of evaporation ponds when needed. (4) Decommissioning the stage of removal of the installation once it reaches its useful lifespan. The following is a summary of the proposed brine processing method once it’s has collected in the manmade ponds: The brine will be collected into manmade lined shallow ponds and allowed to evaporate under natural conditions. Insoluble impurities such as sand and clay and slightly soluble impurities such as calcium carbonate will settle to the bottom as evaporation begins. The brine will be pumped or moved by gravity flow to another pond where calcium sulphate will be expected to settles out as evaporation continues. The remaining brine will be moved to yet another pond where the salt will be expected to settles out as evaporation proceeds. The brine will be moved one more time before evaporation is complete to prevent highly soluble impurities such as magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium chloride, and magnesium bromide from settling out with the salt. These substances may be collected separately for commercial use if present in commercially viable concentrations. The salt will be scooped up by machines, transported to the processing plant where it will be washed with highly concentrated salt water (brine). This water contains so much salt that it cannot hold any more, so the salt is washed free of any trace impurities without dissolving. The washed salt will be removed from the salt water, rinsed with a small amount of fresh water, and piled into huge stacks to drain for two or three months. At this point the salt is about 99.4% pure and can be used for many industrial purposes. If purer salt is needed, it will be rewashed in salt water and fresh water, allowed to drain for one or two days, and then dried in a hot air oven at about 185° C. This salt is about 99.8% pure and can be used for food processing industry. The salt will be transported by trunks within the salt works where required to a stockpile area. From the stockpiles, the salt will be transported by trucks to Swakopmund where a processing plan will be built. The final refined product will be transport to Walvis Bay Port for final export to Nigeria and other West African countries.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 29 March 2023

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