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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 3151 - 3200 of 4275
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2021. APP-002304: Transportation of zinc sulphide concentrate from the Oranjemund border to the Namzinc refinery, in the !Karas Region, Namibia.

Transportation of zinc sulphide concentrate from the Oranjemund border to the Namzinc refinery, in the !Karas Region, Namibia. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening finding. The proposed project envisions the handling and transportation of zinc sulphide (ZnS) concentrate to the Namzinc refinery for processing.

Thursday, 24 June 2021
Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) 2021. APP-002305: The construction of a bulk storage and handling facility for industrial grade sulphuric acid at the Skorpion Zinc warehouse at the Port of Lüderitz, in the !Karas Region, Namibia.

The construction of a bulk storage and handling facility for industrial grade sulphuric acid at the Skorpion Zinc warehouse at the Port of Lüderitz, in the !Karas Region, Namibia. Listed activities triggered by the project include: Listed activity EIA screening finding: Hazardous Substance Treatment, Handling and Storage (9.1) The manufacturing, storage, handling or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974.

Thursday, 24 June 2021
Tortoise Environmental Consultants (TEC) 2020. APP-002719: Renewal of the sand mining licence (ECC) for the continuation of sand mining activities from an existing borrow pit, located in the Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, //Karas Region.

APP-002719: Renewal of the sand mining licence (ECC) for the continuation of sand mining activities from an existing borrow pit, located in the Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park.

Thursday, 24 June 2021
Centre for Geosciences Research 2020. APP-002000: Proposing to carry out small scale dimension stone quarry in two mining claims (70753 and 70661) in Erongo Region located in the Karibib District.

Menette N Hapinge is proposing to carry out small scale dimension stone quarry in two mining claims (70753 and 70661) in Erongo Region located in the Karibib District.

Thursday, 24 June 2021
Urban Dynamics Africa APP-002716: Proposed establishment of Ongha Townlands, Ohangwena Region.

Renewal of the ECC for the proposed establishment of Ongha Townlands, Ohangwena Region.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) 2021. APP-002710: Establishment and management of the Karibib Disposal Site, Erongo Region.

The Karibib Town Council operates an existing disposal site and has to comply to the EMA by obtaining an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) and approval or declaration of its existing waste disposal site, hence this Draft EMP. The Karibib Town Council is in the process of identifying a new landfill site, which will be formalised through an Environmental Impact Assessment and subsequent construction. The existing site will then be closed.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2021. APP-002651: Environmental Assessment (EA) for the renewal of the environmental clearance certificate for mining of dimension stone on mining claims 68714, 68715, 68716, 68717 & 68718 at Otjohorongo Reserve, Omaruru district, Erongo Region.

The proponents intends to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate to continue mining dimesion stones on mining claims 68714, 68715, 68716, 68717 & 68718 at Otjohorongo Reserve, Omaruru district, Erongo Region.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Stubenrauch Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002592: Environmental Scoping Assessment for the rezoning and consolidation of Erven 580 and Erf 581, Lüderitz Extension 4 for the proposed construction and operation of a bird sanctuary in Lüderitz.

As part of their conservation and environmental rehabilitation programme, NAMDEB proposes to develop a Bird Sanctuary on the proposed "Consolidated Erf X" Lüderitz Extension 4. The proposed development aims to work towards conserving and protecting Namibia's sea birds, especially threatened species, for the benefit of present and future generations by means of a rehabilitation center/ hospital for wounded sea birds. The subject erven are zoned for Residential purposes. They currently accommodate houses which are owned by Namdeb.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2021. APP-002341: Environmental Assessment for the proposed establishment and operation of a brick manufacturing factory at Onanime Village, Okatana Constituency, Oshana Region.

The aim of the intended project is to manufacture construction materials including quality bricks, blocks and pavers to supply the housing projects in Oshakati and the surrounding towns, in particular the new extension at Ekuku, located at Okatana within the townlands of Oshakati in Oshana Region.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
A. Speiser Environmental Consultants 2018. APP-002717: Renewal application for ECC-EPL6762-0818 for EPL 6762.

This is a renewal application for the ECC-EPL6762-0818 for EPL 6762 hold by E-Tech Kalapuse Mining (Pty) Ltd. The ECC was granted on 03 August 2018.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Business Success Consulting APP-002693: Environmental Management Plan for the operation of Green Acres Private School.

For the operation phase activities of an existing school.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Salt Company (Pty) Ltd 2021. APP-002715: Application renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for operation mining related activities for ML11, Erongo.

Existing clearance certificate expires 8 October 2021 therefore we are applying for a renewal.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002713: ECC renewal for exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting Licence Areas 4013 and 4194.

ECC is for continued exploration on EPL 4013 and 4194 in the Windhoek District.

Monday, 21 June 2021
LM Environmental Consulting 2021. APP-002709: Renewal of the ECC for the Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan for the proposed establishment of Industrial/Business and Residential/Business Townships in the Northern Development Area, Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia.

Renewal of the ECC for the Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan for the proposed establishment of Industrial/Business and Residential/Business Townships in the Northern Development Area, Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Urban Green 2021. APP-002708: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the upgrade of the Rooikop Bulk Water Pipeline, Erongo Region.

The ECC is an application for a renewal of an existing ECC.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002705: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Rundu Gate Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.

An ECC was originally awarded in 2018. The application serves as a renewal.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002704: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Rupara Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.

An ECC was originally awarded in 2018. The application serves as a renewal.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002701: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Ndiyona Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002700: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Mupini Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002699: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Mpunguvlei Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002698: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Mashere Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002697: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Mamono Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango East Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002696: Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of the Kandjimi Murangi Water Supply Scheme and maintenance to infrastructure, Kavango West Region.

The application is for a renewal of an existing ECC awarded in 2018.

Monday, 21 June 2021
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2021. APP-002694: Application for renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for ongoing marine diamond exploration, recovery and production operations in Atlantic 1 Mining License (ML), Mining License No. 47 offshore, Southwest, Namibia.

The ECC is required for the for ongoing marine diamond exploration, recovery and production operations in Atlantic 1 Mining License (ML), Mining License No. 47 offshore, Southwest, Namibia. Exploration Activities Exploration activities such as low energy geophysical surveys and sampling leading to the delineation of key potential mining targets. These exploration activities are the main key early stages components of DBMN strategic business and operational plan and integrates environmental management throughout the entire exploration cycle.

Friday, 18 June 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002692: Township establishment and creation of roads on a portion of the remainder of Portion 1 of the Farm Epukiro Reserve No. 329, Otjinene Village, Omaheke Region.

Energy generation, transmission and storage activities 1. The construction of facilities for - (b) the transmission and supply of electricity. Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities 2.1 The construction of facilities for waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste. 2.2 Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, 1976. 2.3 The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit or export of waste.

Friday, 18 June 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002691: Renewal of the Environmnetal Clearance for the sand mining operations with stone aggregate as by product on Farm Teufelsbach, Otjozondjupa Region.

Mining and quarrying activities 3.1 The construction of facilities for any process or activities which requires a licence, right or other form of authorisation, and the renewal of a licence, right or other form of authorisation, in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining Act), 1992. 3.2 Other forms of mining or extraction of any natural resources whether regulated by law or not. 3.3 Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation and related activities.

Friday, 18 June 2021
Serja Hydrogeo-Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002666: Renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the 22.80 Mega-Watt, alternating current (MWac) Trekkopje Solar (Photovoltaic) Park in the Erongo Region.

Renewal of the expired Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC): Operational and maintenance of the 22.80 MWac Trekkopje Solar Park (Photovoltaic Plant) in the Erongo Region.

Friday, 18 June 2021
I.N.K Enviro Consultants 2021. APP-002392: Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed northern beach development - Swakopmund.

The Swakopmund Municipality intends to develop the northern beach into a recreational (parks and recreational facilities) area for the purpose of improving the social, economic and environmental situation of the community and to enhance the quality of life for all Swakopmund residents and visitors. This can be achieved by providing a comprehensive program of recreational opportunities for all ages, ability levels, and provides safe, attractive, well maintained, well managed parks and recreation facilities.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002620: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Erongo Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Centre for Geosciences Research 2021. APP-002649: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for Khan Mine (pty) Ltd Mining Licences ML86A to ML 86G.

Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for Khan Mine (pty) Ltd Mining Licences ML86A to ML 86G in Swakopmund District, Namibia.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Urban Dynamics Africa 2021. APP-002667: Alignment and construction of public roads and infrastructure through Township Establishment at Ozondje (Extension 6 - 11), in Omaruru within the Erongo Region.

Re-application for the alignment, construction of public roads and infrastructure through Township Establishment.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002633: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Zambezi Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002632: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Otjozondjupa Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002631: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Oshikoto Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002630: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Oshana Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002629: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Omusati Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002628: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Omaheke Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002625: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Khomas Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002624: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Kavango West Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002627: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Ohangwena Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002623: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Kavango East Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002622: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Karas Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCS Water and Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002621: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Hardap Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
KPM Environmental Consulting 2021. APP-002248: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for development of Golf Estate and Walvis Residential Area, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region.

The Environmental Clearance Certificate is required for the establishment of a Golf Estate at Portion 217 - 219 of Portion 193 of Walvis Bay Town and Townlands No. 1 and a street portion. A number of activities such as re-zoning, construction, site clearance will be undertaken among which cannot be undertaken without authorization from the Environmental Commissioner.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
KPM Environmental Consulting 2020. APP-002663: Environmental Impact Assessment for establishing Orange River Farm at Hohenfels in Oranjemund area, //Kharas Region .

The Environmental Clearance Certificate is required for the establishment of Orange River Farm which is located at Hohenfels in the Oranjemund area in the //Kharas Region. The farm will be producing crops mainly vegetables and fruits for local consumption.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021
APP-002626: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the installation of MTC Telecommunication Antennae for the 100% Coverage Project, Kunene Region.

Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure: The construction of communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Harmonic Town Planning Consultants 2021. APP-002669: The proposed subdivision and development of Erf RE 1-177, Rehoboth - Hardap Region, Namibia.

Subdivision and construction of low-cost housing -Provision of services (sewer, water, electricity).

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