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EIA reports for public comment

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Displaying results 3051 - 3100 of 4275
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002816: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of water supply scheme to Central North Area: Zone 5 and maintenance to infrastructure Okalongo, Oneleleiwa, Omungwelume, Okambebe, Oshikuku and Elim.

The application is for an existing ECC issued in 2018.

Thursday, 29 July 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002815: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of water supply scheme to Central North Area: Zone 4 and maintenance to infrastructure Eunda, Onesi, Ongulumbashe, Tsandi, Ogongo and Okahao.

The application is for an existing ECC issued in 2018.

Thursday, 29 July 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002814: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of water supply scheme to Central North Area: Zone 3 and maintenance to infrastructure Onawa, Uutapi, Oshitudha and Eengolo.

The application is for an existing ECC issued in 2018.

Thursday, 29 July 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002813: The Renewal of the Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of water supply scheme to Central North Area: Zone 2 and maintenance to infrastructure Ruacana, Oshifo, Mahenene Border Post and Mahenene.

The application is for an existing ECC issued in 2018.

Thursday, 29 July 2021
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) 2021. APP-002812: The Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for the continuation of water supply scheme to Central North Area: Zone 1 and maintenance to infrastructure Mahenene, Uutapi, Ogongo and Oshakati.

The application is for a renewal on an ECC issued in 2018.

Thursday, 29 July 2021
Green Gain Consultants 2021. APP-002299: Construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the proposed Outapi Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and associated infrastructures, Omusati Region.

The Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) Ltd. intends to expand the existing Outapi Water Treatment Plant (WTP) by upgrading capacities of certain components and constructing new additional infrastructures. The proposed expansion was necessitated by the fact that current and future water demand of the supply area has surpassed the capacity of the existing plant. Therefore, an additional water treatment capacity is required to respond to the current and future water demand to secure the supply of safe drinking water to the area.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002788: Operations of Oshakati Service Station in Windhoek, Khomas Region.

ECC is for the continued operations of the Oshakati Service Station in Windhoek.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021
SLR Global Environmental Solutions 2021. APP-002785: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the proposed linear infrastructure development to support the proposed Namibia Rare Earth's mining activities on Mining License (ML) 200 at Farm Lofdal, Kunene Region.

Title of Activity: Linear infrastructure development to support the proposed Namibia Rare Earth’s mining activities on Mining License (ML) 200. Nature of Activity: Establishment of a pipeline and powerline to support the Mining and concentration of base and rare metals, in particular rare earth elements at Farm Lofdal.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021
A. Speiser Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002452: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the offshore mining activities on the proposed ML 220 of LK Mining, required for an Environmental Clearance Certificate.

LKM proposes to mine the delineated resource area, making use of a small dredge pump vessel with onboard processing facility. Ongoing sampling, resource development, and some detail geophysical survey will cover selected target areas. The same methods were used during the exploration activities over EPL 5965. The Mining Licence application was filed by LKM with MME in October 2019. The techniques required to prospect for and mine diamond resources varies according to the location of the area/operation, i.e. shallow water, mid water or deep-water areas.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Advanced Environmental Agency APP-002668: Operation of an existing filling station in Leonardville in Omaheke.

Acer Petroleum Pty Ltd applies for an ECC for Operation of an Existing Filling Station in Leonardville, Omaheke Region 128 KM from Gobabis.

Monday, 26 July 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002798: Decommissioning of the current dumping/landfill site and the construction and operation of a new dumping/landfill site on a portion of the remainder of Portion C of Farm Keikanachab Ost No. 89, Mariental.

Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities  2.1 The construction of facilities for waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste. 2.2 Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, 1976. 2.3 The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit or export of waste.

Monday, 26 July 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002690: Proposed new fuel retail facility in the Rocky Crest, Windhoek.

he ECC application is for the construction and operation of a new fuel retail facility, in order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
EnvironClim Consulting Services 2021. APP-002761: A renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed construction of fuel retail facility, a convenience shop, light industrial warehouse, retail outlets and a supermarket at Onaanda Village, Omusati Region.

A renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed construction of fuel retail facility, a convenience shop, light industrial warehouse, retail outlets and a supermarket at Onaanda Village, Omusati Region.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002745: Proposed construction and operation of the Octagon Consumer Fuel Facility at Nkurenkuru, Kavango West Region.

ECC application is for the construction and operation of a new consumer fuel facility (temporary). In order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002743: Proposed upgrade and continued operation of the existing Mauziza Fuel and Retail Facility at Corridor 13 Settlement, Omaheke Region.

Mauziza Fuel Retail Facility has been in operation for many years before the EMA Act was promulgated. ECC application is for proposed upgrade activities and continued operations of the existing fuel facility. In order to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
Healthy Earth Environmental Consultants (HEEC) 2021. APP-002661: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the exploration activities for base and rare metals, dimension stone, industrial minerals and precious stones on the eastern portion of Farm Kampaneno 104 under EPL 5476, Omaruru Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.

The proponent intends to undertake exploration activities for Base & Rare Metals, Dimension Stone, Industrial Minerals and Precious stones on the eastern portion of Farm Kampaneno 104 under EPL 5476, Omaruru Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia, located about 23 km off the C36 road onto the D2344 road from Omaruru to Omatjete.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
Impala Environmental Consulting 2021. APP-002361: Environmental Impact Assessment for mineral exploration on EPL 7783, Erongo Region.

To commence with mineral exploration on the granted licence.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002300: Proposed storage alterations and continued operation of the existing Kaap Agri Fuel Retail Facility in Grünau, //Kharas Region.

The ECC application is for the proposed storage alteration activities to be conducted at the facility; and its continued operations. This is in line with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007), and its regulations of 2012.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Consulting Services Africa 2021. APP-002755: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the existing waste disposal site in Eheke settlement, Oshana region.

It is for the existing waste disposal site in Eheke settlement. The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate ensures monitoring and evaluation of the environment's performance.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Namibia Environmental Consultants (NEC) 2021. APP-002732: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation of the exiting Kayova River Lodge at Kayova Village, Kavango East Region.

This application serves only for the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the existing and operations of Kayova River Lodge that was initially issued to the client. The initial Environmental Clearance Certificate for the above mentioned project has expired and the proponent currently intends to continue with the operations of the Lodge. An updated and amended Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) will be uploaded to the system.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002645: Abstraction and use of seawater as a cooling medium in the Port of Walvis Bay.

ECC is for the abstraction and use of seawater as a cooling medium in the Port of Walvis Bay. For the cooling process, abstracted seawater will be circulated through a heat exchange system before being returned to the ocean.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Consulting Services Africa 2021. APP-002752: Operations and management of oxidation ponds in Uukwangula settlement, Oshana region.

It is for the existing oxidation ponds in the Uukwangula settlement. It allows the for the continuation of operations of the oxidation ponds. The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate ensures monitoring and evaluation of the environment's performance.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Consulting Services Africa 2021. APP-002754: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the existing oxidation ponds in Eheke settlement, Oshana region.

It is for the existing oxidation ponds in Eheke settlement. It allows the continuation of operations of the oxidation ponds. The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate ensures monitoring and evaluation of the environment's performance.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002777: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Windhoek North Total Business Trust Fuel Retail Facility.

ECC is for the continued operations of Windhoek North Total Business Trust Fuel Retail Facility.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Urban Green 2021. APP-002517: Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed Rosh Pinah Solar Park on Farm Namuskluft No. 88, Oranjemund District, //Karas Region.

The Environmetnal Clearance Certificate is for:  - Activity 1(a) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity (solar Power); Activity 1(b) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity (solar Power); Activity 5.1(c) - Land Use and Development Activities Agricultural use to industrial use.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Omavi Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002500: New application - prospecting of dimension stone quality granite, dolerite and marble on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 6069 in the Erongo Region, Namibia.

Undertaking of prospecting activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 6069 in the Daures and Karibib Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia with primary interest in dimension stone quality dolerite, granite and possibly marble as well as industrial minerals (e.g. construction aggregates). The proposed activities overlie three (3) communal farms namely: Sukses, Hakskeen, and Trekkopje and one (1) commercial farm, that is Farm Vergenoeg. Any ground on Farm Vergenoeg is strictly excluded from the planned exploration activities.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Moringa Enviro-Consultants (MEC) 2020. APP-002395: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continuation of prospecting and exploration activities for EPL 4818 situated in the Omaruru District, Erongo Region.

Epangelo Mining Company (Pty) Ltd holds exclusive prospecting license (EPL) 4818 in the Erongo Region. EPL 4818 measures in at 62,781.90 ha in size and covers communal land only. Epangelo Mining therefore intends to apply for a renewal of the ECC.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Moringa Enviro-Consultants (MEC) 2020. APP-002396: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continuation of prospecting and exploration activities for EPL 4833 situated in the Omaruru District, Erongo Region.

Epangelo holds exclusive prospecting license EPL 4833 in the Erongo Region. EPL 4833 measures in at 99,934.40 ha in size and covers thirty six (36) commercial farms. Epangelo Mining therefore intends to apply for the renewal of the ECC.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Atlantic Consulting Services 2021. APP-002735: Fin-fish cage farming in the Atlantic Ocean, north-west of Lüderitz.

Lilongeni Fish-Farming (Pty) Ltd., a Namibian registered company (Co. Reg. No. 2015/0190), intends to farm with finfish in the Atlantic Ocean of Namibia. The Proponent identified four alternative sites where it intends to farm with finfish in cages at the isobar ranging between 65m to 75m sea depth. The site north-west Lüderitz was chosen as the most appropriate to farm with all three (3) species. Lilongeni Fish-Farming (Pty) Ltd. intends to spearhead and make finfish farming in the marine environment a first in Namibia off the coast of Lüderitz.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002776: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Riverside Service Centre.

ECC is for the continued operations of Riverside Service Centre.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002775: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Wika Service Station.

ECC is for the continued operations of Wika Service Station.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002774: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for B1 City Fuel Retail Facility.

ECC is for the continued operations of B1 City Fuel Retail Facility.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002773: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Pionierspark Service Centre.

ECC is for the continued operations of Pionierspark Service Centre.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002772: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Khomasdal Service Station.

ECC is for the continued operations of Khomasdal Service Station.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002771: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Swakopmund Total.

ECC is for the continued operations of Swakopmund Total.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002770: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for EOG Total Fuel Retail Facility.

ECC is for the continued operations of EOG Total Fuel Retail Facility.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002769: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Johnny's Auto Electric Total.

ECC is for the continued operations of Johnny's Auto Electric Total.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002768: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Transcaprivi Service Centre.

ECC is for the continued operations of Transcaprivi Service Centre.

Friday, 16 July 2021
NAMISUN Environmental Projects and Development 2021. APP-002005: Amendment to Namdeb's Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) for Mining Licence 43 to accommodate Namdeb's potential long term life of mine plan.

Amendment Application: Namdeb perform land-based and marine prospecting (exploration), mining, treatment and rehabilitation in ML43. This ML covers an area of ~ 40,500 ha and is located in the Tsau//Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, north-east of Oranjemund. The current life of mine (LOM) for ML43 ends in 2022. Namdeb has developed a potential new Long Term Business Plan (subject to Board Approval) to extend this LOM up to 2038, through implementing various changes (i.e. amendments) of the current / approved activities in ML43.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Rössing Uranium Limited 2021. APP-002767: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for continuation of uranium mining - Rössing Uranium Mine, Erongo Region.

This is a renewal application for a current ECC which expires in August 2021. The ECC is for Rössing Uranium Limited to continue mining uranium in the specified area.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002766: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Fourways Total Otavi.

ECC is for the continued operations of Fourways Total Otavi.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Geo Pollution Technologies 2021. APP-002765: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for Eastgate Service Station.

ECC is for the continued operations of Eastgate Service Station.

Thursday, 15 July 2021
Omavi Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002499: Prospecting of dimension stone quality granite and dolerite on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 6217 in the Erongo Region, Namibia.

Undertaking of prospecting activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 6217 in the Daures Constituency, Erongo Region - Namibia, with primary interest in good quality dolerite and granite for potential quarrying and production of dimension stone and industrial minerals (e.g. construction aggregates, stone tiles, etc). The proposed activities will be confined to farm #nudanab in the south and the Omihana area towards the north.

Thursday, 15 July 2021
Green Earth Environmental Consultants 2021. APP-002782: Construction and operation of a charcoal processing and packaging plant on Farm Juliana No. 713, Omaheke Region.

Energy generation, transmission and storage activities 1. The construction of facilities for - (a) the generation of electricity. (b) the transmission and supply of electricity. Wate management, treatment, handling and disposal activities 2.1 The construction of facilities for waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste. 2.2 Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, 1976. Forestry activities 4.

Thursday, 15 July 2021
Matrix Consulting Services 2021. APP-002781: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed new landfill site in Oranjemund, //Kharas Region.

This project was issued an environmental clearance certificate in May 2017, and due to financial constraints the project could not start. The proponent has made some progress with finance now, and intends on renewing the ECC in order to comply with EMA Act no7 of 2007 and its regulations of 2012.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Junior Baiano Industrial Consultants 2021. APP-002515: Construction and operation of telecommunication lattice tower in Veddersdal, Okahandja.

Construction and operation of telecommunication lattice tower in Veddersdal, Okahandja.

Monday, 12 July 2021
NAMISUN Environmental Projects and Development 2021. APP-002600: Exploration 18 (Pty) Ltd's proposed exploration activities on EPL 7183, Kunene Region.

Exploration 18 (Pty) Ltd has an exclusive agreement with the owner of Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL) 7183, Hejo Investments (cc) to do exploration on EPL 7183. EPL 7183 is located 40 km southwest of Khorixas and directly south of EPL 8237. Exploration 18 (Pty) Ltd proposes to undertake exploration activities on EPL 7183 for base and rare metals, industrial minerals and precious metals.

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