
A loose material consisting of small mineral particles, or rock and mineral particles, distinguishable by the naked eye; grains vary from almost spherical to angular, with a diameter range from 1/16 to 2 millimeters. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 182 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Claudino-Sales V 2018. Namib Sand Sea. Coastal World Heritage Sites 28 9-14
2021. APP-002379: Sand mining.
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2379_Forforma EC_Sand mining.pdf 9.26 MB
Eckardt FD, Livingstone I, Seely M, von Holdt J 2013. The Surface Geology and Geomorphology Around Gobabeb, Namib Desert, Namibia. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 95 (4) 271-284
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The Surface Geology and Geomorphology Around Gobabeb.pdf 1.05 MB
Henschel JR 1997. Psammophily in Namib Desert spiders. Journal of Arid Environments 37 (4) 695-707
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Psammophily in Namib Desert spiders.pdf 1.49 MB
Garzanti E, Vermeesch P, Ando S, Lustrino M, Padoan M, Vezzoli G Ultra-long distance littoral transport of Orange sand and provenance of the Skeleton Coast Erg (Namibia). Marine Geology In Press 2014
León-Sobrino C, Ramond J-B, Coclet C, Kapitango R-M, Maggs-Kölling G, Cowan DA 2021. Temporal dynamics of microbial transcription in wetted hyperarid desert soils. bioRxiv
Kool D, Agra E, Drabkin A, Duncan A, Fendinat PP, Leduc S, Lupovitch G, Nambwandja AN, Ndilenga NS, Thi TN, Poodiack B, Sagi L, Shmuel Y, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Pinshow B, Turner JS, Agam N 2021. The overlooked non-rainfall water input sibling of fog and dew: Daily water vapor adsorption on a !Nara hummock in the Namib Sand Sea.   Journal of Hydrology 598
Lawrence RR 1959. The sand-dune fauna of the Namib Desert. South African Journal of Science 55 (9) 233-239
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The sand_dune fauna of the Namib Desert.pdf 308.73 KB
2021. APP-002779: Onhokolo Sand Mining.
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2779_Proforma EC_Onhokolo Sand Mining.pdf 6.34 MB
2022. Figure 02_05 Shifting sands and shipwrecks.
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Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Sossusvlei.
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Sossusvlei 2.pdf 3.9 MB
Shikangalah RN, Mapani BS 2021. Ephemeral river systems and their ecosystem provisions to the local populations: A review of the Huab and Ugab Rivers, Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN) 14 46-62
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A review of the Huab and Ugab Rivers.pdf 509.43 KB
Cowan D, Ramond J-B 2022. A decade of microbiome research in the Namib Desert. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 69 19-41
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A decade of microbiome research in the Namib Desert.pdf 1.89 MB
Leader GM, Marks T, Efraim K, Marais E 2022. Anibtanab: An earlier and middle stone age site in the Namib sand sea. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 69 89-102