


Climb to the top of the highest sand dunes in the world, slide down them just for fun. Take in the endless vistas of the Namib sand sea, and challenge the inner artist or photographer in you to capture this spectacular landscape. Watch the sunrise over one of the oldest, driest places on earth. Be bewitched by the Southern Cross and the Milky Way, part of an astonishing depth of glittering constellations, stars and planets that bring magic to desert nights. Explore the depths of nearby Sesriem Canyon, and marvel at one of nature's unexplained mysteries - fairy circles, round, bare patches of sand that are found on sandy dune slopes from the Orange River to Angola. Scurry across dunes that are home to fog-basking beetles and lizards that swim in the sand. Learn more about one of the most captivating deserts on earth where plant and animal life has adapted to survive in extraordinary ways. Wiggle your toes into the cold sub-surface sand and experience the wonders of Sossusvlei.

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Book or Magazine
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