bush clearing

The removal of brush using mechanical means, either by cutting manually or by using machinery for crushing, rolling, flailing, or chipping it, or by chemical means or a combination of these. (Source: DUNSTE)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 181 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stoldt M, Perche J 2020. BMCC II Aftercare - State of knowledge report.
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BMCC II Aftercare_State of knowledge report_2020.pdf 1.23 MB
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) 2022. National Strategy on the Sustainable Management of Bush Resources 2022-2027.
2022. Introducing the Acacia fibreboard.
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Acacia fibreboard information booklet.pdf 929.27 KB
Wilkie I, Stoldt M 2023. The story of Namibian bush: Turning problems into opportunities. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 48-51
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The story of Namibian bush_Turning problems into opportunities.pdf 780.05 KB
van Niekerk J 1990. Nasorg van bosbeheer. Agricola 8 18-21
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Nasorg van bosbeheer.pdf 524.32 KB
Zapke O 1986. Meganiese en biologiese bosbestryding. Agricola 3 15-18
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Meganiese en biologiese bosbestryding.pdf 716.49 KB
Holz G 1986. Die afsterwing van indringerbos: 'n seën of 'n bedreiging?. Agricola 3 8-11
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Die afsterwing van indringerbos.pdf 1.15 MB
Fourie ML 1986. Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas. Agricola 3 11-14
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Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas.pdf 995.77 KB
Versfeld WvR 1985. Veldbrand as 'n hulpmiddel in die beheer van bosindringing. Agricola 2 22-24
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Veldbrand as n hulpmiddel in die beheer van bosindringing.pdf 533.38 KB
Laubscher JAM 1985. Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool. Agricola 2 33-36
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Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool.pdf 651.32 KB
Hugo L 1985. Indringerbosse as energiebron. Agricola (2) 23-33
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Indringerbosse as energiebron.pdf 343.23 KB
Bester FV 1985. Ekonomiese aspekte van chemiese bosbeheer. Agricola 2 19-22
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Ekonomiese aspekte van chemiese bosbeheer.pdf 577.01 KB