If you are unsure of the identification of a snake you have observed, you can ask an expert for snake identification by uploading a photo to the Snakes of Namibia facebook page.

You can also get help from their amazing album of infographics of the common snake species in Namibia.

The facebook page also has contact details for snake catchers - people who are experienced in catching and removing snakes - throughout the country.

In the case of a snake bite, email "snakebite" to snakebitedoc@gmail.com. Namibia's snakebite expert - Dr Buys - will respond immediately.


Latest snake records

These are the latest records added, for snakes.

» You can also see all records here.

Species Date Recorder
Boaedon capensis | Brown House Snake
16/02/2011Cunningham, Peter
Pseudaspis cana | Mole Snake
18/05/2023Cunningham, Peter
Leptotyphlops scutifrons | Peter's Thread Snake
25/05/2023Cunningham, Peter
Bitis caudalis | Horned Adder
10/08/2011Cunningham, Peter
Naja anchietae | Anchieta's Cobra
10/07/2011Cunningham, Peter
Dispholidus typus viridis | Common Boomslang
10/07/2011Cunningham, Peter
Bitis arietans arietans | Puff Adder
16/05/2023Cunningham, Peter
Psammophis namibensis | Namib Sand Snake
15/09/2023Cunningham, Peter
Python anchietae | Anchieta's Dwarf Python
21/05/2024Menzinger, Monika
Naja nivea | Cape Cobra
06/05/2024Rodgers, Michelle

Latest snake records map