Summary details for Hemirhagerrhis viperina

If you are unsure of the identification of a snake you have observed, you can ask an expert for snake identification by uploading a photo to the Snakes of Namibia facebook page.

You can also get help from their amazing album of infographics of the common snake species in Namibia.

The facebook page also has contact details for snake catchers - people who are experienced in catching and removing snakes - throughout the country.

In the case of a snake bite, email "snakebite" to Namibia's snakebite expert - Dr Buys - will respond immediately.


Viperine Rock Snake

Hemirhagerrhis viperina

The Viperine Rock Snake is endemic to Namibia. Often in deep rock crevices where it hunts for resting lizards such as skinks and day geckos. It is mainly active late afternoon and early evening.

It is light brown in colour with a dark zigzag pattern down the back and an orange tail.

While this snake does have a mild venom it has virtually no effect on man.

Viperine Rock Snake
Viperine Rock Snake © Photo: Francois Theart
Viperine Rock Snake
Viperine Rock Snake © Photo: M O'Shea/K Stratford/Ongava Research Centre
Viperine Rock Snake
Viperine Rock Snake © Photo: M O'Shea/K Stratford/Ongava Research Centre

Photos uploaded with atlas records

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