Keys presented on this page were published in: Mannheimer C, Curtis B 2010. Le Roux and Müller's Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Namibia. Macmillan, Windhoek. Page numbers in keys refer to pages in this book.
» Key to families, genera and some species (download pdf 560 kb ) A botanical key is a series of choices that help you identify an unknown plant. This key uses
vegetative characteristics such as leaves, bark, etc. because flowers and/or fruit are often not present.
Keys to genera / species / subspecies / varieties in:
Click on a category below to toggle the info on and off.
▽ Acacia and Faidherbia
▽ Acacia hebeclada
▽ Acacia mellifera
▽ Acacia tortilis
▽ Adenolobus pechuelii
▽ Adenolobus
▽ Albizia
▽ Aloaceae
▽ Anacardiaceae
▽ Annonaceae
▽ Antidesma
▽ Apiaceae
▽ Apocynaceae
▽ Arecaceae
▽ Asteraceae
▽ Balanites
▽ Bauhinia
▽ Bauhinia petersiana
▽ Bignoniaceae
▽ Boraginaceae
▽ Boscia
▽ Cadaba
▽ Caesalpinia
▽ Caesalpinioideae
▽ Capparaceae
▽ Capparis
▽ Carissa
▽ Celastraceae
▽ Ceraria
▽ Combretaceae
▽ Combretum apiculatum
▽ Combretum collinum
▽ Combretum psidioides
▽ Combretum
▽ Commiphora
▽ Cordia
▽ Croton gratissimus
▽ Croton
▽ Cyphostemma
▽ Dalbergia
▽ Dichrostachys cinerea subsp. africana
▽ Diospyros
▽ Ebenaceae
▽ Ectadium
▽ Ehretia namibiensis
▽ Ehretia
▽ Elephantorrhiza
▽ Entandrophragma
▽ Euclea
▽ Euphorbia
▽ Euphorbiaceae
▽ Fabaceae
▽ Ficus
▽ Flacourtiaceae
▽ Gardenia
▽ Gossypium
▽ Grewia
▽ Gymnosporia
▽ Heteromorpha
▽ Kirkia
▽ Lamiaceae
▽ Lannea schweinfurthii
▽ Lannea
▽ Lycium
▽ Maerua
▽ Malvaceae
▽ Markhamia
▽ Meliaceae
▽ Mimosoideae
▽ Ochna
▽ Olacaceae
▽ Oleaceae
▽ Ozoroa
▽ Pachypodium
▽ Papilionoideae
▽ Pavetta
▽ Philenoptera
▽ Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia
▽ Pterocarpus
▽ Rhamnaceae
▽ Rhigozum
▽ Rubiaceae
▽ Rutaceae
▽ Salicaceae
▽ Sapindaceae
▽ Scrophulariaceae
▽ Searsia
▽ Sesamothamnus
▽ Sesbania
▽ Sterculia
▽ Sterculiaceae
▽ Stoeberia
▽ Strophanthus
▽ Strychnos
▽ Syzygium
▽ Terminalia
▽ Tinnea
▽ Urticaceae
▽ Vangueria
▽ Vitex
▽ Ximenia
▽ Zygophyllaceae
▽ Zygophyllum