Latest records added

These are the latest records added, for all species. Click on any row in the table to highlight the record on the map. Use the question mark icon to click on the map and highlight the associated row in the table. For security reasons, black rhino, white rhino and pangolin are not shown. If you have a legitimate need for records of these species, contact us.

Species Date Recorder
Belenois aurota | White, Brown-veined
24/06/2016Salo, Veikko
Hamanumida daedalus | Guineafowl
24/06/2016Salo, Veikko
Psammophis subtaeniatus | Western Yellow-bellied Sand Snake
27/03/2024Kelezo, Fetuho
Psammophis leopardinus | Leopard Sand Snake
27/04/2023Ananias, Hambeleleni
Dasypeltis scabra | Rhombic or Plain Egg-eater
19/04/2023Geiriseb, Hermanus
Psammophis lineatus | Lined Sand Snake
15/04/2023Abraham, Erick
Rhamphiophis rostratus | Rufous Beaked Snake
17/02/2023Kelezo, Fetuho
Trachylepis binotata | Ovambo Tree Skink
13/05/2024Ananias, Hambeleleni
Trachylepis binotata | Ovambo Tree Skink
12/05/2024Ananias, Hambeleleni
Trachylepis wahlbergii | Wahlberg's Skink
10/05/2024Ananias, Hambeleleni
Chondrodactylus laevigatus | Fischer's Thick-toed Gecko
26/04/2024Adams, Michael
Varanus albigularis albigularis | Rock Monitor
07/04/2024Kelezo, Fetuho
Lygodactylus chobiensis | Chobe Dwarf Gecko
07/04/2024Kelezo, Fetuho
Trachylepis wahlbergii | Wahlberg's Skink
27/02/2024Simasiku, Ronny
Chamaeleo dilepis | Common Flap-neck Chameleon
26/02/2024Simasiku, Ronny
Trachylepis occidentalis | Western Three-striped Skink
16/02/2024Iitengula, Jonna
Chamaeleo dilepis | Common Flap-neck Chameleon
15/02/2024Simasiku, Ronny
Pelomedusa subrufa | Central Marsh Terrapin
22/12/2023Iitengula, Jonna
Pelomedusa subrufa | Central Marsh Terrapin
22/12/2023Iitengula, Jonna
Pelomedusa subrufa | Central Marsh Terrapin
22/12/2023Iitengula, Jonna

Latest records map

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