Latest records of butterflies

These are the latest records added, for butterflies.

» You can also see all records here.

Species Date Recorder
Belenois aurota | White, Brown-veined
22/06/2024Walters, Matthew
Papilio demodocus | Swallowtail, Citrus
22/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Colotis amata | Topaz Arab
22/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Mylothris agathina | Dotted Border, Common
21/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady
21/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Mylothris agathina | Dotted Border, Common
21/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady
18/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady
18/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady
18/05/2024Mostert, Madelene
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady
18/05/2024Mostert, Madelene

Latest butterflies records map