The number of deaths occurring in a given population for a given period of time. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 201 - 241 of 241 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Brown CJ 1993. Test of compound 1080 from a poison collar on a captive vulture. 19-26
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Brown CJ 1993 Vulture News 29_19_26.pdf 215.3 KB
Simmons R, Jenkins A, Rodrigues L, Woodcock L 2017. City's limits: Can Verreaux's Eagle survive urbanization?. 42-46
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Can Verreauxs Eagle survive urbanization.pdf 390.5 KB
PANTHERA, WildAid, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) Beyond Cecil: Africa's lions in crisis.
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Cecil Lion Report.pdf 2.86 MB
Hauptfleisch ML, Dalton C 2015. Arthropod phototaxis and its possible effect on bird strike risk at two Namibian airports. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 13 (4) 957-965
Hauptfleisch M 2009. Impact Assessment (IA) to solve Aircraft-Wildlife Collisions. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment 16-22
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Impact Assessment to solve Aircraft_Wildlife Collisions.pdf 133.32 KB
Hauptfleisch ML, Avenant NL, Tsowaseb A 2013. Aircraft-wildlife collisions at two major Namibian airports from 2006–2010. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 43 (2) 177-178
2017. Photos of Carnivore Red Data assessment workshop.
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Photos Carnivore 1.02 MB
2017. Carnivore distribution in Namibia.
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Carnivores of Namibia summary.pdf 1.97 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Leopard (Panthera pardus).
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Leopard_Panthera pardus.pptx 4.04 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G, Marker L, Melzheimer J 2017. Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus).
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Cheetah_Acinonyx jubatus.pptx 4.01 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Caracal (Caracal caracal).
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Caracal_Caracal caracal.pptx 2.11 MB
Wiesel I 2017. Brown Hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea).
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Brown Hyaena_Parahyaena brunnea.pptx 6.66 MB
Périquet S, Hanssen L 2017. Lion (Panthera leo).
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Lion.pptx 2.29 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Serval (Leptailurus serval).
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Serval_Leptailurus serval.pptx 3.28 MB
Küsters M 2017. Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes), African wild cat (Felis lybica).
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Small cats.pptx 1.95 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Aardwolf (Proteles cristata).
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Aardwolf_Proteles cristata.pptx 1.87 MB
Pallett J 2017. Remaining carnivores: Mustelidae, Viverridae, Herpestidae.
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Remaining carnivores_2017.pptx 5.29 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Bat-eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis).
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Small Canids.pptx 8.3 MB
N/a’an kuse, Cheetah Conservation Fund 2017. Wild dogs in Namibia.
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Wild Dogs of the Mangetti.pptx 5.3 MB
Jarvis A 2017. - A quick introduction.
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November carnivore red data workshop_2017.ppt 15.15 MB
Eustace M 2017. Rhino horn trade.
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Rhino horn trade.docx 17.21 KB
Basson PA, Norval AG, Hofmeyr JM, Ebedes H, Schultz RA 1982. Antelope and poisonous plants: 1. Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum (Hooker) Engler and Prantl containing monofluoroacetate. Madoqua 13 (1) 59-70
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Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum 1982.pdf 1004.56 KB
Zschokke M 1934. Milk-fever in sheep: A contribution to the record of clinical cases. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 5 (1) 23-24
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Milk_fever in sheep.pdf 93.88 KB
Stander PE 1987. Predation on springbok lambs. Madoqua 15 (3) 263-264
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Predation on springbok lambs.pdf 63.37 KB
Hofmeyer JM, Louw GN, du Preez JS 1973. Incipient capture myopathy as revealed by blood chemistry of chased zebras. Madoqua 1 (7) 45-50