demographic development

Growth in the number of individuals of a population. (Source: ZINZANa)

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Displaying results 1 - 27 of 27 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Namibia Statistics Agency 2013. Namibia 2011 Census Atlas.
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Namibia Census_Atlas_Final_12_07_2013.pdf 24.55 MB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ, Jeo RM, Mills MGL, MacDonald DW 2003. Demography of the Namibian cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus. Biological Conservation 114 (3) 413-425
Jack SL, Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Durbach I 2016. Climate change sentinel or false prophet? The case of Aloe dichotoma. Diversity and Distributions 1-13
Midgley JJ, Cowling RM, Hendricks H, Desmet PG, Esler K, Rundel P 1997. Population ecology of tree succulents (Aloe and Pachypodium) in the arid western Cape: decline of keystone species. Biodiversity and Conservation 6 (6) 869-876
Elwen SH, Leeney RH, Gridley T 2019. Abundance estimates of an isolated population of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Walvis Bay, Namibia, 2008–2012. African Journal of Marine Science (41) 61-70
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Tursiops truncatus in Walvis Bay.pdf 2.67 MB
UN-Water 2008. Status Report on IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans for CSD16.
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UNW_Status_Report_IWRM 2008.pdf 1.73 MB
National Planning Commission 2012. Namibia 2011 population and housing census preliminary results.
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2011_Preliminary_Result.pdf 2.85 MB
Piper SE 1994. Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.
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Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.pdf 7.4 MB
Christoffersen ND, Plowes DCH 1991. Preliminary review of Namibia's natural resources..
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Preliminary review of Namibias natural resources.pdf 8.72 MB
Gasaway WC, Mossestad KT, Stander PE 1989. Demography of spotted hyaenas in an arid savanna, Etosha National Park, South West Africa/Namibia. Madoqua 16 (2) 121-127
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Demography of spotted hyaenas in an arid savanna ENP_1989.pdf 700.55 KB