Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) - a Regional Science Service Centre (RSSC) in Southern Africa
The current processes of global change, which include, for example, demographic change, climate change and the globalisation of economic systems, are an enormous challenge for societies worldwide. Climate change is affecting the lives of millions of people in Africa, Europe and many other parts of the world. Current projections on future developments indicate that there is an urgent need to develop concepts on how to adapt to these challenges in due course. Science and research offer proactive approaches to deal with the current and future changes expected. The role of science is to be understood as a service to those societies that are most severely affected by climate change and to provide the relevant decision-makers with evidence-based results and advice. The establishment of a Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management could create added value for the whole southern African region. It should be conceptualised and operationalised to complement the excellent existing research and capacity development infrastructures and research initiatives in the region. It should be embedded in the regional and national research.