The number of deaths occurring in a given population for a given period of time. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 241 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hofmeyr JM, Luchtenstein HG, Mostert PKN 1977. Capture, handling and transport of springbok and the application of haliperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic. Madoqua 10 (2) 123-130
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Capture_handling_transport of springbok.pdf 1.17 MB
Rosatte RC 2013. Chapter 18 – Rabies Control in Wild Carnivores. Rabies (Third Edition), Scientific Basis of the Disease and Its Management 617-670
Marker LL, Dickman AJ, Jeo RM, Mills MGL, MacDonald DW 2003. Demography of the Namibian cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus. Biological Conservation 114 (3) 413-425
Turnbull PCB, Tindall BW, Coetzee JD, Conradie CM, Bull RL, Lindeque PM, Hübschle OJB 2004. Vaccine-induced protection against anthrax in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Vaccine 22 (25-26) 3340-3347
Mendelsohn J 1983. Causes of Mortality in Blackshouldered Kites. Bokmakierie 35 (1) 11-13
Brain C 1992. Deaths in a desert baboon troop. International Journal of Primatology 13 (6) 593-599
Devereux S, Naeraa T 1996. Drought and Survival in Rural Namibia. Journal of Southern African Studies 22 (3) 421-440
Ryan PG, Keith DG, Kroese M 2002. Seabird bycatch by tuna longline fisheries off South Africa, 1998-2000. African Journal of Marine Science 24 103-110
Simmons RE, Trewby I, Trewby M 1996. Are Etosha's Blue Cranes declining. African Wildlife 50 32-34
Garvin JC, Jennelle CS, Drake D, Grodsky SM 2011. Response of raptors to a windfarm. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (1) 199 - 209
de Lucas M, Janss GFE, Whitfield DP, Ferrer M 2008. Collision fatality of raptors in wind farms does not depend on raptor abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (6) 1695 - 1703
Ferrer M, de Lucas M, Janss GFE, Casado E, Muñoz AR, Bechard MJ, Calabuig CP 2012. Weak relationship between risk assessment studies and recorded mortality in wind farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (1) 38 - 46
Allen CD 2009. Climate-induced forest dieback: An escalating global phenomenon?. Unasylva 231 - 232 (60) 43 - 49
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Climate-induced forest dieback_An escalating global phenomenon.pdf 342.27 KB
2010. Malaria strategic plan (2010-2016).
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Malaria strategic plan 2010_2016.pdf 1.03 MB
Oatley TB 1993. Recent sightings, recoveries and recaptures of marked raptors. Gabar 8 (1 - 2) 45 - 46
1995. Recent sightings, recoveries and recaptures of marked raptors. Journal of African Raptor Biology 10 (1) 44 - 48
Hauptfleisch ML, Avenant NL 2016. Actual and perceived collision risk for bird strikes at Namibian airports. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 87 (2) 161-171
Jack SL, Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Durbach I 2016. Climate change sentinel or false prophet? The case of Aloe dichotoma. Diversity and Distributions 1-13
Jansen T, Kristensen K, Kainge P, Durholtz D, Stromme T, Thygesen UH, Wilhelm MR, Kathena J, Fairweather TP, Paulus S, Degel H, Lipinski MR, Beyer JE 2016. Migration, distribution and population (stock) structure of shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem inferred using a geostatistical population model. Fisheries Research 179 156-167
Duffy DC, Rudolf A 1986. Cape Cormorant mass mortality during a cold-water event off Namibia. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 57 (4) 247 - 248
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Batchelor AL, Clinning CF 1980. Observations on the mortality of juvenile Cape Cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis during 1975 and 1979. Fisheries Bulletin of South Africa (13) 69 - 75
Brain C, Fox VEB 1994. Suspected cardiac glycoside poisoning in elephants (Loxodonta africana). Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 65 173-174
Sato Y, Yasuda J, Sinsungwe H, Chimana H, Sato G 1994. An occurrence of stomach impaction in Ostriches (Struthio camelus) on a farm in Zambia associated with high mortality. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 56 (4) 783 - 784
2002. 6.24 Who has died of AIDS?.
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Crawford RJM, Williams AJ, Crawford PB 1986. A note on mortality of seabirds off western southern Africa, October 1985–February 1986. South African Journal of Marine Science 4 (1) 119-123
Sullivan S 1996. Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land. Journal of Biogeography (23) 1-5
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Barthold JA, Loveridge AJ, MacDonald DW, Packer C, Colchero F 2016. Bayesian estimates of male and female African lion mortality for future use in population management. Journal of Applied Ecology (53) 295–304
Biggs D, Holden MH, Braczkowsk A, Cook CN, Milner-Gulland J, Phelps J, Scholes RJ, Smith RJ, Underwood FM, Adams VM, Allan J, Brink H, Cooney R, Gao Y, Hutton J, Macdonald-Madden E, Maron M, Redford KH, Sutherland WJ, Possingham P Breaking the deadlock on ivory: An iterative process that recognizes different value systems may help to protect elephants. Science (358) 1378-1381
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Biggs et al 2017 Science ivory taboo.pdf 1.76 MB