
Anthrax in wild cheetahs in the Etosha National Park, Namibia

Publication Year:

During a study to evaluate the impact of predation on the plains' ungulate populations in the Etosha National Park, seven cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) were radio-collared. Radio-telemetry assisted in finding five of these cheetah after they had died. Four of the cheetah (57%) were confirmed to have died of anthrax, whilst the fifth, although not confirmed, possibly also died from anthrax. It is suggested that the susceptibility of cheetah to anthrax is due to their poor immunity due to lack of exposure to anthrax carcasses by being reluctant scavengers. Of seven cheetah tested, only three showed low levels of antibodies to anthrax protective antigen, the others were negative. It is speculated that cheetah are getting the disease through killing animals in the final stages of an anthrax infection. Keywords: 1NA/Acinonyx jubatus, anthrax, antibodies, cheetah, Etosha, immunity, radio collar, ungulate.

Conference name:
ARCOnderstepoort OIE International Congress, 9-15 August 1998
Item Type:
Conference Paper