A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status. (Source: ECHO1)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 1316 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2011. Impalila - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Impalila_2011.pdf 2 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2011. //Huab - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Huab_2011.pdf 1.15 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2011. !Han/Awab - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Han_Awab_2011.pdf 1.86 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. George Mukoya - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_George Mukoya_2012.pdf 1.43 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. //Gamaseb - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Gamaseb_2012.pdf 1.31 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Ehi-Rovipuka - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Ehirovipuka_2012.pdf 1.44 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Dzoti - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Dzoti_2012.pdf 1.51 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Doro !nawas - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Doro Nawas_2012.pdf 1.54 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Bamunu - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Bamunu_2012.pdf 1.47 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Balyerwa - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Balyerwa_2012.pdf 1.51 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Anabeb - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Anabeb_2012.pdf 1.45 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. African Wild Dog - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_African Wild Dog_2012.pdf 1.26 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. ≠Khoadi-//Hôas - Annual natural resource report..
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Khoadi Hoas_2012.pdf 1.46 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. ?Gaingu - Annual natural resource report.
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Notice Board Powerpoint_Gaingu_2012.pdf 1.43 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Torra !Aub!ûi!gâ!nans - ?gai|onsa a |awa 'torra' |uigu ne !âb !nâ ?goe?am hâgu !oa.
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Poster Torra Translation FPis.pdf 1.37 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Torra conservancy - named after the red 'torra' rocks predominant in the area.
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Poster Torra FPis.pdf 1.41 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in southern Namibia, May 2012.
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South_game_count_poster_2012.pdf 252.2 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Sorris Sorris conservancy - named after the Khoekhoegowab phrase for 'an abundance of sunlight'.
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Poster Sorris Sorris FPis.pdf 1.47 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Etonatelwahala lyaSheya shUushona - lya lukilwa omukwaniilwa waNgandjera ngoka a li epandafule.
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Poster Sheya Shuushona Translation_2012.pdf 1.26 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Sheya Shuushona conservancy - named after the brave King of the Ongandjera Traditional Authority.
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Poster Sheya Shuushona FPis.pdf 1.29 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. !Nani|aus !Aub!ûi!gâ!nans ge - Afrikaans mîs '!nani |audi' disa !oa a ?gai|onsa.
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Poster Sesfontein Khoekhoegowab DFlr.pdf 2.29 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Okonsevensi ya Hamuheke - ena ndi o sesfontein ra za kembo rOtjimburu ndi ndi he ya otuharwi hamboumwe.
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Poster Sesfontein Herero DFlr.pdf 2.21 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Sesfontein conservancy - named after the Afrikaans word for 'six fountains'.
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Poster Sesfontein English.pdf 1.16 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Okonsevensi ya Mburo.
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Poster Puros Herero DFlr.pdf 2.01 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Puros conservancy - derived from Omburo meaning 'fountain' in Otjiherero.
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Poster Puros English F.pdf 1.16 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. NÆoaq!'ae n!ar e Å'an a Å'ae - !a'u Æxama ka Å'ae ko n!orea to'a koara Åxomsi he sin o n!omsi nÅa'ng.
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Poster Nyae Nyae Translation FPis.pdf 1.24 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Nyae Nyae conservancy - named after the Ju/'hoansi phrase for 'the place whithout mountains, but rocky'.
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Poster Nyae Nyae FPis.pdf 1.24 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in north-west Namibia, June 2012.
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NW_game_count_poster_2012.pdf 738.1 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in north-central Namibia, July.
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NC_Game count poster 2012.pdf 1.07 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Likalulo zeñata mwa mutulo wa Mudumu.
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Poster Mudumu NC Silozi DFlr4.pdf 2.05 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Mudumu North Complex.
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Poster Mudumu NC English F.pdf 966.52 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Okonsevensi ya Marienfluss - ya rukirwa kOmuramba wa Marienfluss.
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Poster Marienfluss Translation FPis.pdf 1.4 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Marienfluss conservancy - named after the Marienfluss Valley.
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Poster Marienfluss FPis.pdf 1.4 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Ehala lyuunshitwe lya gamenwa lyOmukwaniilwa Nehale - lya lukilwa nakusa Nehale lyaMpingana Omukwaniilwa gwaNdonga.
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Poster King Nehale Translation FPis.pdf 1.43 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. King Nehale conservancy - named after the late Nehale lya Mpingana, King of Ondinga Traditional Authority.
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Poster King Nehale FPis.pdf 1.49 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Khoadi- ÆHôas !Aub!ûi!gâ!nans - Khoekhoegowab !nâ ¸gaisa “¸khoan Æhôas’ !oa.
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Poster Khoadi Translation FPis.pdf 1.36 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. ?Khoadi //Hôas Conservancy - named after the Khoekhoegowab phrase for 'elephant's corner'.
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Poster Khoadi FPis.pdf 1.43 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Khaudom livangu iyakuumboghera.
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Poster Khaudum NC Rugciriku DFlr4.pdf 2.59 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Khaudum North Complex.
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Poster Khaudum NC English F.pdf 1.13 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Sibaka sa sizo sesi babalela limunanu - Sifi lwe libizo la sioli sa Impalila lelitalusa kuli ki "batu bakwahule".
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Poster Impalila Silozi DFlr4.pdf 3.2 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Impalila Conservancy - named after Impalila Island which means 'far away place'.
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Poster Impalila English F.pdf 1.01 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in Hardap Game Park, May 2012.
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Hardap_game_count_poster_2012.pdf 494.97 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Full moon waterhole counts: Nyae Nyae conservancy.
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Waterhole counts nyae nyae 2012.pdf 318.63 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Full moon waterhole counts: Nyae Nyae and N#a-Jaqna conservancies.
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Waterhole counts Nyae and Na Jaqna 2012.pdf 2.66 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Okonsevensi ndji Ehi rOvipuka.
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Poster Ehi_Rovipuka Herero DFlr.pdf 2.16 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Ehi-Rovipuka conservancy - meaning 'place of wildlife' in Otjiherero.
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Poster Ehi_Rovipuka English F.pdf 1.12 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Doro !nawas Conservancy - named after the Doros Crater which means 'the place where rhinos roam' in Khoekhoegowab.
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Poster Doro nawas English F.pdf 994.77 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in Caprivi Communal Conservancies: Dry Season 2012.
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Caprivi game count conservancies only.pdf 207.91 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in Bwabwata and Caprivi: Dry Season 2012.
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Caprivi game count poster 2012.pdf 230.33 KB