
The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season. (Source: AMHER)

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Displaying results 51 - 91 of 91 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mowa E, Maass E 2016. Influence of resting period on fruits and secondary tubers of Harpagophytum procumbens in Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (8) 73-90
Honsbein D, Njembo S 2020. Labour-based encroacher bush harvesting guidelines.
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Labour_based encroacher bush harvesting guidelines.pdf 1.37 MB
Yu Z, Zhang H, Huang J, Li S, Zhang S, Cheng Y, Mao J, Dong X, Gao S, Wang S, Chen Z, Jiang Y, Lai Y 2020. Namib desert beetle inspired special patterned fabric with programmable and gradient wettability for efficient fog harvesting. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 61 85-92
Mitchell D, Henschel JR, Hetem RS, Wassenaar TD, Strauss WM, Hanrahan SA, Seely MK 2020. Fog and fauna of the Namib Desert: past and future. Ecosphere 11 (1)
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Fog and fauna of the Namib Desert_past and future.pdf 12.51 MB
Rohrbach DD, Lechner WR, Ipinge SA, Monyo ES 1999. Impact to Investments in Crop Breeding: the Case of Okashana 1 in Namibia. 15-17
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Impact to Investments in Crop Breeding.pdf 1.83 MB
van Schalkwyk DL, McMillin KW, Witthuhn RC, Hoffman LC 2010. The contribution of wildlife to sustainable natural resource utilization in Namibia: A review. Sustainability 2 (11) 3479-3499
Zietsman PC, Pelser A 2004. Sustainability and sustainable utilisation: the case for devil's claw. Navorsing van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 20 (1) 4-6
Ngolwe ARK 2002. Cereal-legume intercropping.
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Cereal_legume intercropping_2002.pdf 2.24 MB
van der Merwe B, Fitchat S 2009. Gardening for health : Home gardening in Namibia.
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Gardening-Booklet-Eng-LQ.pdf 6.41 MB
van Schalkwyk DL, Hoffman LC 2010. Guidelines for the harvesting of game for meat export.
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Guidelines for the harvesting of game for meat export.pdf 2.13 MB
Seaweed FAO properties.
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Seaweed FAO.pdf 101.76 KB
Natural Futures Programme 2007. The commercial potential scale of the Natural Products sector in Namibia.
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Indigneous plant products_namibia.pdf 321.07 KB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF), Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2017. Forestry and Environmental Authorisations Process for Bush Harvesting Projects 2017.