Area of water next to the coast, often surrounded by thick walls, where ships and boats can be sheltered. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 1 - 39 of 39 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Environmental Evaluation Associates of Namibia (EEAN) 1998. Möwe bay fishing port study review of draft PEIA.
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Mowe bay fishing port study review of draft PEIA.pdf 3.89 MB
Delta Marine Consultants (DMC), The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 2010. Environmental Management Plan.
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Environmental Management Plan_Part B_2010.pdf 870.44 KB
Delta Marine Consultants (DMC), The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 2009. Hydrodynamic Modelling Report.
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Namport - Walvis Bay EIA 2010 - Hydrodynamic Modelling.pdf 16.96 MB
Enviro Dynamics 2010. Social Impact Assessment.
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Namport - Walvis Bay EIA 2010 - Social Impact Assessment.pdf 5.77 MB
Ocean and Land Resource Assessment Consultants (ORLAC) 2009. Specialist Study: Marine Ecology Impact Assessment.
Safetech 2009. Specialist study on noise impact.
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Namport - Walvis Bay EIA 2010 - Noise Impact Assessment.pdf 712.78 KB
Delta Marine Consultants (DMC), The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 2009. EIA Study for Strategic Expansion of the Walvis Bay Container Terminal. 115
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Namport - Walvis Bay 2009 - Final Scoping Report.pdf 2.33 MB
Carp B 1961. I chose Africa.
1950. Ghwano - die wit weelde. SWA Annual 25 - 35
Terrblanche DJ 1980. The man-made island of Sandwich Harbour. SWA Annual 1980 89 - 95
Prozesky OPM 1960. Birdlife at Sandwich Harbour. Bulletin of the Transvaal Museum 4 2 - 3
2002. Harbours - amount of freight handled.
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Gebhardt L 1973. Sandwich Harbour: A sanctuary in the dunes. SWA Annual 97 - 103
Siegfried WR 1965. The Cape Shoveller Anas smithii (Hartert) in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 36 (4) 155 - 198
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Clinning CF 1978. Breeding of the Caspian Tern in South West Africa. Cormorant 5 15 - 16
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Breeding of the Caspian Tern in South West Africa.pdf 121.93 KB
Sclater WL 1907. The Bird Islands of South Africa. The Condor 9 (3) 71 - 76
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The Bird Islands of South Africa.pdf 443.13 KB
Whitelaw DA, Underhill LG, Cooper J, Clinning CF 1978. Waders (Charadrii) and other birds on the Namib coast: Counts and conservation priorities. Madoqua II 2 137 - 150
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Whitelaw_1978_Madoqua_11_2_waders.pdf 2.42 MB
Werhahn C 1970. Wochenendfahrt nach Sandwich Harbour. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (7) 2 - 5
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Wochenend fahrt nach Sandwich Harbour_1970.pdf 502.19 KB