A delta is a vast, fan-shaped creation of land, or low-lying plain, formed from successive layers of sediment washed from uplands to the mouth of some rivers, such as the Nile, the Mississippi and the Ganges. The nutrient-rich sediment is deposited by rivers at the point where, or before which, the river flows into the sea. Deltas are formed when rivers supply and deposit sediments more quickly that they can be removed by waves of ocean currents. The importance of deltas was first discovered by prehistoric man, who was attracted to them because of their abundant animal and plant life. Connecting waterways through the deltas later provided natural routes for navigation and trade, and opened up access to the interior. Deltas are highly fertile and often highly populated areas. They would be under serious threat of flooding from any sea-level rise. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 512 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Komen J 1989. Distribution of greater swamp warblers in southern Africa. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 55-56
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Distribution Greater Samp warblers South Africa_1989.pdf 259.96 KB
2008. Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.
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Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.pdf 3.37 MB
Kemna A 1976. Beobachtungen am Okavango. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 11 (12) 3-4
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Beobachtung am Okavango_1976.pdf 246.43 KB
Suhling F, Samways MJ, Simaika JP, Richter O, Marais E, Martens A, Kipping J 2010. Dragonfly diversity from the Cape to the Kavango. Biodiversity in southern Africa 2 - Patterns and processes at regional scale 64-69
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Dragonfly diversity from the Cape to the Kavango_2010.pdf 1.6 MB
Paxton M 2000. Ducking the ducks - Chobe River, June 2000. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 20-25
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Ducking the ducks_Chobe River_2000.pdf 291.67 KB
Gumbricht T, McCarthy TS, McCarthy J, Roy D, Frost PE, Wessels K 2002. Remote sensing to detect sub-surface peat fires and peat fire scars in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. South Africa Journal of Science 98 (7-8) 351-358
Wolski P, Murray-Hudson M, Fernkvist P, Liden A, Huntsman-Mapila P, Ramberg L 2005. Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water-borne nutrients. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 253-263
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Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water_borne nutrients.pdf 1.52 MB
Vanderpost C, Ringrose S, Seely M 2005. Preliminary land-use and land-cover mapping in the upper Okavango Basin and implications for the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 236-252
Mosepele K, Mosepele B, Williams L 2005. Preliminary assessment of the feeding ecology of Silver Catfish (Schilbe intermedius, Ruppel, 1832) in a seasonal floodplain of the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 207-217
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Preliminary assessment of the feeding ecology of Silver Catfish.pdf 919.21 KB
Burke A, Simmonds EB 2001. Natural Resource Mapping of the Kavango Region.
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Natural_Resource_Mapping_of_the_Kavango_Region_January_2001.pdf 3.14 MB
Wolski P, Gumbricht T 2003. Mapping hydrological units in the Okavango Delta.
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Mapping hydrological units in the Okavango Delta.pdf 4.49 MB
Hancock P, Muller M, Tyler S 2007. Inventory of birds in the Okavango Delta Ramsar site.
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Inventory of Birds of the Okavango Data Ramsar Site.pdf 12.07 MB
Behnke RH 1998. Kavango Grazing Systems Study.
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Kavango Grazing System Study- Final Report_ RH Behnke.pdf 15.16 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Calender.
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TFO CalenderEnd.pdf 7.09 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Conclusões, Cenários e Recomendações para Ações. Síntese do Relatório Final do Projeto de Pesquisa, 2010 a 2015.
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TFO__Report_portuguguese_small_version.pdf 9.11 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Findings, Scenarios and Recommendations for Action. Research Project Final Synthesis, Report 2010 - 2015.
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TFO__Report_engl_compiled_small_version.pdf 8.93 MB
Jones BTB, Social Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis Corporation (SIAPAC) 2001. Socio-ecological survey report for the Okavango River Region (Namibia - 2001).
McCarthy TS, Ellery WN 1998. The Okavango Delta. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 53 (2) 157-182
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The Okavango Delta_1998.pdf 9.51 MB
Ramberg L, Lindholm M, Bonyongo C, Hessen DO, Heinl M, Murray-Hudson M, Vanderpost C, Wolski P 2008. Aquatic ecosystem responses to fire and flood size in the Okavango Delta: natural experiments on seasonal floodplains.
Bonyongo MC, Mubyana T 2004. Soil nutrients status in vegetation communities of the Okavango Delta floodplains. South Africa Journal of Science 100 337-340
Tyler SJ 2001. A review of waterbird counts in Botswana, 1991 - 2000. Babbler Special Supplement (1)
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A review of waterbird counts in botswana_2001.pdf 38.83 MB
Scudder T, Manley RE, Coley RW, Davis RK, Green J, Howard GW, Lawry SW, Martz D, Rogers PP, Taylor ARD, Turner SD, White GF, Wright EP 1992. The IUCN review of the southern Okavango Integrated Water Development Project.
McCarthy TS, Smith ND, Ellery WN, Gumbricht T 2002. The Okavango Delta - Semiarid alluvial-fan sedimentation related to incipient rifting. Sedimentation in Continental Rifts: SEPM Special Publication 73 179-193
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The_Okavango_Deltasemiarid_Alluvial-Fan_firstpage.pdf 128.34 KB