A natural stream arising in a given drainage basin but not wholly dependent for its flow on surface drainage in its immediate area, flowing in a channel with a well-defined bed between visible banks or through a definite depression in the land, having a definite and permanent or periodic supply of water, and usually, but not necessarily, having a perceptible current in a particular direction and discharging at a fixed point into another body of water. (Source: BJGEO)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 60 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Earle A, Malzbender D, Turton A, Manzungu E 2005. A Preliminary Basin Profile of the Orange/Senqu River.
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A Preliminary Basin Profile of the Orange_Senqu River.pdf 1.71 MB
Bourke MC, Child A, Stokes S 2003. Optical age estimates for hyper-arid fluvial deposits at Homeb, Namibia. Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (10-13) 1099-1103
Benito G, Rohde R, Seely M, Kulls C, Dahan O, Enzel Y, Todd S, Botero B, Morin E, Grodek T, Roberts C 2010. Management of Alluvial Aquifers in Two Southern African Ephemeral Rivers: Implications for IWRM. Water Resources Management 24 (4) 641-667
Grobbelaar JU, Seely MK 1980. The composition of water collected from the Kuiseb River, Namib Desert, at Gobabeb. Journal of the Limnological Society of southern Africa 6 (1) 46-48
Holmes PM, Richardson DM, Esler KJ, Witkowski ETF, Fourie S 2005. A decision-making framework for restoring riparian zones degraded by invasive alien plants in South Africa: review article. South African Journal of Science 101 (11-12) 553-564
Turton AR, Ashton P 2008. Basin Closure and Issues of Scale: The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. Water Resources Development 24 (2) 305-318
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Basin Closure and Issues of Scale Turton and Ashton.pdf 314.6 KB
Manning J 2006. The Richtersveld - The Lost World. Veld and Flora (June 2006) 76-77
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Richtersveld _ The lost World Manning 2004.pdf 606.54 KB
Knoesen D, Schulze R, Pringle C, Summerton M, Dickens C, Kunz R 2009. Water for the Future: Impacts of climate change on water resources in the Orange-Senqu River basin.
2009. Ephemeral River Basins. Newsletter: Sharing Temporary Waters in Southern Africa
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Ephemeral River Basins Newsletter_2009.pdf 347.64 KB
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 2010. A CSIR Perspective on Water in South Africa.
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CSIR Perspective on Water in South Africa 2010.pdf 4.56 MB
2010. Environmental Flow Requirements.
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Environmental Flow Requirement_Volume 2.pdf 3.32 MB
Chidley T, Beuster H, Howard G 2011. Irrigation GIS Database, Interactive Database and Irrigation Scenario Tools.
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Irrigation GIS Database.pdf 7.11 MB
Southern African Development Community (SADC) 2009. SADC Concept Paper on Benefit Sharing and Transboundary Water Management and Development.
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SADC concept paper_benefit sharing.pdf 617.31 KB
Seely MK 1978. Grassland productivity: the desert end of the curve. South African Journal of Science 74 295-297
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Grassland productivity_ the desert end of the curve.pdf 306.01 KB
Barnes J, Saraiva R, Mmopelwa G, Mbaiwa J, Magole L, Wamunyima D 2009. Okavango River Basin Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Socio-Economic Assessment.
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TDA Basin Socio-Economic Assessment.pdf 1.15 MB
Seely M 1973. Kuiseb River life sustaining barrier. SWA Annual 153-157
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Kuiseb River life sustaining barrier.pdf 303.53 KB
Boyer DC, Boyer HJ 1989. The status of alien invasive plants in the major rivers of the Namib Naukluft Park. Madoqua 16 (1) 51-58
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The status of alien invasive plants_NNP.pdf 788.54 KB
Chrity S 2006. The Namib: Detritus and Fog Dependence.
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The Namib Fog Desert_2006.pdf 987.03 KB
Arnold S, Attinger S, Frank K, Hildebrandt A 2009. Uncertainty in parameterisation and model structure affect simulation results in coupled ecohydrological models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 1789-1807
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Uncertainty in parameterisation and model structure_2009.pdf 3.4 MB
Seely M, Henderson J, Heyns P, Jacobson P, Nakale T, Nantanga K, Schachtschneider K 2002. Chapter 9: Ephemeral and endoreic river systems: Relevance and management challenges. Transboundary rivers, sovereignty and development: hydropolitical drivers in the Okavango River basin
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Ephemeral and endoreic river systems_2002.pdf 246.14 KB
Arnold S, Frank K, Attinger S, Hildebrandt A 2008. Feedbacks along ephemeral rivers – an integrated ecohydrological approach.
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Feedbacks along ephemeral rivers_2008.pdf 966.35 KB
Eitel B, Kadereit A, Blümel WD, Hüser K, Kromer B 2005. The Amspoort Silts, northern Namib desert (Namibia): formation, age and palaeoclimatic evidence of river-end deposits. Geomorphology 64 299-314
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The Amspoort Silts.pdf 1.24 MB