
Ephemeral River Basins

Publication Year:

If you live in the Orange-Fish River Basin and your livelihood depends on access to a dependable water source, recent developments in this basin will be of interest to you. The river basin covers much of southern Namibia and, together, the Orange and Fish rivers supply water to a number of economically important enterprises. Through the Orange-River Stakeholder Forum a number of challenges, needs and issues related to the management of water resources in this basin have been identified and discussed. Stakeholders' interests are as diverse as the challenges. However, one thing that they all have in common is the water source that they depend on. More recently the stakeholder forum has started exploring ways of addressing the challenges and issues they face - the forum wants to contribute to the management of their water resources. Furthermore, they realise the proposed Neckartal Dam and Irrigation Scheme are likely to affect all in the basin; they would like their concerns and advice to Government to be taken into account in order to maximise opportunities. To this end, they have established the Interim Fish River Forum Committee which is working towards a strengthened, representative and formalised basin management committee. Three working groups have also been formed to help the Committee to address challenges in the basin.

Publication Title:

Newsletter: Sharing Temporary Waters in Southern Africa

Special Bulletin
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section
Attachment Size
Ephemeral River Basins Newsletter_2009.pdf 347.64 KB