river basin development

Any growth, maturation or change in an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. (Source: TOE)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 184 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bethune S, Falke M, Heyns P, Kinahan J, Klintenberg P, Oosthuizen F, Seely M, Wittneben F, Werner W 2008. Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin - Action Plans. Volume 1.
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Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin_Volume 1.pdf 651.63 KB
Manning N, Pallett J 2004. Kuiseb Basin Management Committee - the first of its kind in Namibia. Conservation 26-27
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Kuiseb Basin Management Committee.pdf 3.15 MB
Manning N, Seely M, Botes A 2002. Proceedings of the ELAK, Basin management workshop.
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Proceedings ELAK Basin Management Workshop.pdf 16.25 MB
Dardis GF, Beckedahl HR, Stone AW 1992. Fluvial systems. The Geomprphology of southern Africa 3 31-79
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Fluvial systems.pdf 5.71 MB
Bergholtz M, Piekarzewska M, Waernquist J, Vignuolo Y, Öberg H 2001. Land degradation - natural and human induced - Hoanib River catchment.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2002. Atlas of international freshwater agreements.
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Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements_2002.pdf 124.19 MB
van Langenhove G, de Bruine B, Rukira L, Hatutale A 1996. Flow régime changes in Namibian rivers: patterns, effects and possible causes.
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Flow regime changes in Namibian rivers.pdf 4.39 MB
Calunga P, Haludilo T, Mendelsohn J, Soares N, Weber B 2015. Vulnerability in the Cuvelai Basin, Angola.
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Vulnerability in the Cuvelai basin Oct 2015 new.pdf 26.54 MB
Krugmann H, Alberts M 2012. Water demand in the Namibia part of CORB.
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CORBWA Final Krugmann and Alberts CBR7_Namibia Water Use.pdf 2.18 MB
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2014. Synthesis Report - Cubango-Okavango River Basin Water Audit (CORBWA) Project.
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CORBWA Final FAO Basin Synthesis Report i3743e.pdf 2.36 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Conclusões, Cenários e Recomendações para Ações. Síntese do Relatório Final do Projeto de Pesquisa, 2010 a 2015.
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TFO__Report_portuguguese_small_version.pdf 9.11 MB
Turpie J, Smith B, Emerton L, Barnes J 1998. Economic value of the Zambezi Basin Wetlands.
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Economic_Value_of_The_Zambezi_Basin_Wetlands_Phase_I_Report.pdf 11.99 MB
Scudder T, Manley RE, Coley RW, Davis RK, Green J, Howard GW, Lawry SW, Martz D, Rogers PP, Taylor ARD, Turner SD, White GF, Wright EP 1992. The IUCN review of the southern Okavango Integrated Water Development Project.
McCarthy TS, Smith ND, Ellery WN, Gumbricht T 2002. The Okavango Delta - Semiarid alluvial-fan sedimentation related to incipient rifting. Sedimentation in Continental Rifts: SEPM Special Publication 73 179-193
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The_Okavango_Deltasemiarid_Alluvial-Fan_firstpage.pdf 128.34 KB
Akawa MN, Andreas KJ, Endjala TN, Halundonga A-L, Hamukoshi E, Iiyambo D, Mbango T, Mulonga S, Muteyauli P, Nghikembua M-L, Nkandi K, Steenkamp B, Uazukuani U 2002. Water use and environmental conditions along the Etaka canal in north-central Namibia.
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SDP10.pdf 860.17 KB
Schmidt L, Domptail S, Klintenberg P, Gruber M, Schmiedel U, Zimmermann I, Falk T 2013. Transdisciplinary research and stake-holder involvement. A review of the TFO approach. Biodiversity and Ecology 5 195-212