crop production

The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption. (Source: RHW / AGP)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 154 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, de Klerk N, Vigne P 2006. Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2006. Farming Systems in Namibia.
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Kowalski B 2013. A method for yield assessment on rainfed dryland agricultural fields. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 279–286
Grönemeyer J, Berkelmann D, Mubyana-John T, Haiyambo D, Chimwamurombe P, Kasaona B, Hurek T, Reinhold-Hurek B 2013. A survey for plant-growth-promoting rhizo-bacteria and symbionts associated with crop plants in the Okavango region of Southern Africa. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 287–294
Schneibel A, Stellmes M, Revermann R, Finckh M Agricultural expansion during the post-civil war period in southern Angola based on bi-temporal Landsat data. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 311-319
Kowalski B, Azebaze N, Domptail S, Große LM, Pröpper M 2013. Mashare - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 121-128
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Mashare_The People.pdf 1.66 MB
Große LM, Kowalski B, Domptail S, Eigner A 2013. Seronga - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 147-158
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Seronga_The People.pdf 2.26 MB
Domptail S, Große LM, Kowalski B, Baptista J 2013. Cusseque/Cacuchi - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 73-80
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Cusseque_Cacuchi_The People.pdf 1.78 MB
Rheeder JP, Sydenham EW, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Shephard GS, Schlechter M, Stockenstrom S, Cronje DW, Viljoen JH 1995. Fungal infestation and mycotoxin contamination of South African commercial maize harvested in 1989 and 1990. South African Journal of Science (91) 127-131
Kraatz DB 1976. Restoration of the flow in the Thaoge River. South African Journal of Science Bot - 71 - 506 (Technical - note - no - 18)
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Kraatz technical note 18.pdf 143.89 KB
McBenedict B, Chimwamurombe P, Kwembeya E, Maggs-Kölling G 2016. Genetic Diversity of Namibian Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. BR. (Pearl Millet) landraces analyzed by SSR and morphological markers. The Scientific World Journal 2016 1439739
Hirooka Y, Shoji K, Watanabe Y, Izumi Y, Awala SK, Iijima M 2019. Ridge formation with strip tillage alleviates excess moisture stress for drought-tolerant crops. Soil and Tillage Research 195
Trytsman M, Masemola EL, Müller FL, Calitz FJ, van Wyk AE 2019. Assessing legumes indigenous to South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland for their pasture potential. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 36 (1) 27-40
Bidinger FR 1992. Utilisation of plant genetic resources in crop breeding programmes. Dinteria 23 70-81
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Dinteria 23_1992_9.pdf 1.63 MB
Blensch RM, Gill G, Turton C 1997. Pearl millet in developing countries.
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Pearl_Millet_in_Developing_Countries.pdf 1.05 MB
Mapani B, Ellmies R, Hahn L, Schneider G, Ndalulilwa K, Leonard R, Zeeuw M, Mwananawa N, Uugulu S, Namene E, Amaambo W, Sibanda F, Mufenda M 2014. Contamination of Agricultural Products in the Surrounding of the Tsumeb Smelter Complex. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 15 92-110
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2012. Green Economy Sectoral Study: BioTrade – A catalyst for transitioning to a green economy in Namibia.
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Biotrade Report 2012.pdf 14.93 MB
Rohrbach DD, Lechner WR, Ipinge SA, Monyo ES 1999. Impact to Investments in Crop Breeding: the Case of Okashana 1 in Namibia. 15-17
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Impact to Investments in Crop Breeding.pdf 1.83 MB
Directorate of Planning 2005. Agricultural Statistics Bulletin.
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Agricultural Statistics Bulletin_2005.pdf 1.19 MB