
APP-001621: The Proposed Integrated Animal and Crop Farming and Related Infrastructure at Mubiza Village, Katima Mlilo, Namibia

Publication Year:

The EIA Process and the purpose of this EIA study is to identify the direct and indirect impacts that the development - Integration of crop, pasture, and livestock - , will have on the natural resources, eco-system, and the socio-economic dimensions of the neighbouring communities and populations. The integrated farming system is a commonly used term to explain a more integrated approach to farming compared to monoculture approaches. It refers to agricultural systems that integrate livestock and crop production or integrate fish and livestock and may sometimes be known as integrated biosystems.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 18 August 2020

This EIA Report is/was listed currently or previously for Public Comment on the Department of Environmental Affairs ECC Portal http://eia.met.gov.na. You can search the eLibrary for all EIA reports for public comment here, track the progress of EIAs in Namibia using the EIA Tracker website on https://eia-tracker.org.na and you can learn more about the EIA process in Namibia here.