livestock farming

Breeding of cattle, horses and similar animals. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 301 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Marker LL, Dickman AJ 2005. Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals (Felis caracal), with particular reference to Namibian farms. African Journal of Ecology 43 73-76
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Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals.pdf 467.06 KB
Stein AB, Fuller TK, Damery DT, Sievert L, Marker LL 2010. Farm management and economic analyses of leopard conservation in north-central Namibia. Animal Conservation 13 419-427
Rukandema M, Breen J, Fanikiso M, Sanchis PH 2009. FAO/WFP crop, livestock and food security assessment mission to Namibia, 14 July 2009.
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GIEWS Special Report_Namibia_14 July 2009.pdf 277.83 KB
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 2009. Arid waste? Reassessing the value of dryland pastoralism.
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IIED economics of pastoralism 2009.pdf 314.38 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, Roberts C 2000. A profile of north-central Namibia.
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Profile of north_central Namibia.pdf 40.39 MB
Schröter M, Jakoby O, Olbrich R, Eichhorn M, Baumgärtner S 2009. Remote sensing of bush encroachment on commercial cattle farms in semi-arid rangelands in Namibia.
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Schroter_2009 - remote sense bush encroach.pdf 988.07 KB
Behnke RH 1998. Kavango Grazing Systems Study.
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Kavango Grazing System Study- Final Report_ RH Behnke.pdf 15.16 MB
Stehn H 2008. Large Stock Management.
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Large stock management_Helmut Stehn.pdf 31.65 MB
Ministry of Lands and Resettlemet 2005. Background research work and findings of the PTT studies.
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Background research work and findings of the PTT studies_2005.pdf 42.04 MB
Ministry of Lands and Resettlemet 2011. Karas Intergrated Regional Land Use Plan: 2011 - 2016.
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Karas Land Use Plan.pdf 17 MB
Talavera P, Katjimune J, Mbinga A, Vermeulen C, Mouton G 2000. Farming systems in Kunene north: A Resource book.
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Farming systems in Kunene north A Resource book.pdf 38.25 MB
de Lange D 2008. Small Stock Management.
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Small Stock Management.pdf 7.69 MB
Enkono SG, Kalundu SK, Thomas B 2013. Analysis of factors influencing cattle off-take rate and marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region, Namibia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 5 (9) 201-206
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Marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region_2013.pdf 410.69 KB
Espach C, Lubbe LG, Ganzin N 2010. Determining grazing capacity in Namibia with the aid of remote sensing. Agricola 20 41-61
Visser WH 1984. Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape. Agricola 1 56-59
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Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape.pdf 453.08 KB