
The application of genetic principles to the improvement of farm animals and cultivated plants. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 148 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Henschel JR, Lubin YD, Schneider J 1995. Sexual competition in an inbreeding social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola (Araneae: Eresidae). Insectes Sociaux 42 (4) 419-426
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Sexual competition in an inbreeding social spider.pdf 489.4 KB
Cooper J 1985. New breeding locality data for Southern African seabirds. Cormorant 13 81
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New breeding locality data for Southern African seabirds.pdf 52.71 KB
Jensen RAC 1973. A comparative study of bird breeding ecology in the Namib Desert Park and adjacent higher rainfall areas of central South West Africa. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 6-7
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A compatative study of bird breeding ecology_1973.pdf 250.96 KB
Hoesch W, Niethammer G 1940. Die Vogelwelt Deutsch-Südwestafrikas namentlich des Damara- und Namalandes. Journal für Ornitologie 88 404
Halenke W 1971. Der Nestbau und das Brutgeschäfft der Kastanienbraunen Weber (Melanopteryx rubiginosus trothae R 796). Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (3 - 4) 6 - 7
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Nestbau und Brutgeschaefft der Kastanienbraunen Weber_Juli 1971.pdf 322.42 KB
Frost PGH, Shaughnessy G 1976. Breeding adaptations of the Damara Tern, Sterna balaenarum. Madoqua 9 (3) 33 - 39
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Breeding adaptations of the Damara Tern_1976.pdf 1.86 MB
Finkeldey H 1981. Kurzmeldung: Paradiesschnäpper R 682 (Terpsiphone viridis). Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 16 (11) 2-3
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Kurzmeldung_Paradiesschnaepper R 682.pdf 238.45 KB
Hasan MR, Crespi V 2011. Aquafeed production, species diversification and desert and arid land aquaculture development in Namibia. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 48 16-17
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FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 48 _December 2011.pdf 2.3 MB
Dean WRJ 1974. Breeding and distributional notes on some Angolan birds. Durban Museum Novitates 10 109 - 125
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Breeding and distributional notes on some Angolan birds_1974.pdf 443.11 KB
Brown CJ 1998. Redbilled firefinches breeding in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 31 (4)
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Redbilled Firefinch breeding in Windhoek.pdf 77.3 KB
de Lange D 2008. Small Stock Management.
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Small Stock Management.pdf 7.69 MB
Gaigher IC, Bloemhof HJ 1975. Hybrid Labeo umbratus X L. capenses (Pisces, Caprinidae) from the Hardap Dam, S.W.A.. Madoqua 9 (1) 53-55
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Hybrid Labeo umbratus from Hardap Dam.pdf 255.03 KB
Dempster ER, Perrin MR 1991. Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus and G. setzeri. Madoqua 18 (1) 51-53
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Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 1.31 MB
Barker D, Barker T 1995. The maintenance and reproduction of the Dwarf Python of Angola and Namibia. The Vivarium 7 (1) 30-34
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Dwarf Python of Angola and Namibia.pdf 2.62 MB
Ipinge SA, Lechner WR, Monyo ES 1994. Development of a National Pearl Millet Breeding Program for Namibia. Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa
Kirkman SP, Yemane D, Oosthuizen WH, Meÿer MA, Kotze PGH, Vaz Velho F, Underhill LG 2013. Spatio-temporal shifts of the dynamic Cape fur seal population in southern Africa, based on aerial censuses (1972–2009). Marine Mammal Science 29 (3) 497-524
Madden JR, Kunc HJP, English S, Manser MB, Clutton-Brock TH 2009. Do meerkat (Suricata suricatta) pups exhibit strategic begging behaviour and so exploit adults that feed at relatively high rates?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (9) 1259-1268
Biggs H, Steyn P, Clinning C 1981. Probable overwintering of Cape breeding Booted Eagles in Namibia. Bokmakierie 33 (1) 2 - 4
Crawford RJM, David JHM, Shannon LJ, Kemper J, Klages NTW, Roux J-P, Underhill LG, Ward VL, Williams AJ, Wolfaardt AC 2001. African penguins as predators and prey - coping (or not) with change. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 435-447
Droege S 1990. The north American breeding bird survey. Survey Designs and Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Avian Population Trends 1-4
Benson PC, Tarboton WR, Allan DG, Dobbs JC 1990. The breeding status of the Cape Vulture in the Transvaal during 1980-1985. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 61 (3-4) 134 – 142
Allan DG, Tarboton WR, Filmer RJ, Bassi J 1988. Breeding of the Broadtailed Warbler in South Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 59 (3) 137
Allan DG, Batchelor GR, Tarboton WR 1983. Breeding of Botha Lark. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 54 (1) 55-57