Abstract: In a small, colour-ringed population of Black Tits Parus niger in central Transvaal, 11 of 19 observed breeding units comprised pairs with one to three helper-males. These pairs and groups defended permanent territories, the size of which correlated with the size of the group. There were significantly more territorial disputes during winter when less food was available than in summer. Breeding occurred in summer and the female alone built the nest, incubated the eggs and brooded the young while they were small. During this time she was fed by the alpha male and helper males, although before egg-laying the alpha male prevented helpers from courtship-feeding her. On average, unassisted pairs reared 0,88 young/season whereas pairs with helpers reared 1,55 young/season. However the feeding rate of nestlings of pairs with helpers was not higher than that of unassisted pairs and the number of young reared per group did not correlate with the number of helpers within the group.