
The day-to-day meteorological conditions, especially temperature, cloudiness, and rainfall, affecting a specific place. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 49 of 49 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hövermann J 1978. Formen und Formung in der Pränamib (Flächen-Namib). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 30 55-73
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Formen und Formung in der Praenamib.pdf 12.05 MB
Alexander W 2007. Climate Change in Disarray - An African Perspective. Frontier Backgrounder 51 1 - 5
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Climate Change in Disarray_An African Perspective.pdf 349.1 KB
Wayland EJ, Denbow J 1981. Past climates and present groundwater supplies in the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Botswana Notes and Records 13 13-18
Brown RC 1974. Climate and climatic trends in the Ghanzi District. Botswana Notes and Records 6 133-146
Schueck LS, Marzluff JM 1995. Influence of weather on conclusions about effects of human activities on raptors. Journal of Wildlife Management 59 (4) 674 - 682
Muche G, Kruger S, Hillmann T, Josenhans K, Ribeiro C, Bazibi M, Seely M, Nkonde E, de Clercq W, Strohbach B, Kenabatho KP, Vogt R, Kaspar F, Helmschrot J, Jürgens N 2018. SASSCAL WeatherNet: present state, challenges, and achievements of the regional climatic observation network and database. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 34-43
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SASSCAL WeatherNet.pdf 1.91 MB
Archer E, Engelbrecht F, Hänsler A, Landman W, Tadross M, Helmschrot J 2018. Seasonal prediction and regional climate projections for southern Africa. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 14-21
O'Toole M, Bartholomae C 1998. The Benguela Ninos. Focus on Fisheries and Research (January 1998) 109-114
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The Benguela Ninos.pdf 6.36 MB
Anderson RFJ 1976. Weather of the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 29-31
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Weather of the Okavango Delta_1976.pdf 3.42 MB
Alexander L, Allen S, Bindoff NL, Bréon F-M, Church J, Cubasch U, Emori S, Forster P, Friedlingstein P, Gillett N, Gregory J, Hartmann D, Jansen E, Kirtman B, Knutti R, Kanikicharla KK, Lemke P, Marotzke J, Masson-Delmotte V, Meehl G, Mokhov I, Piao S, Plattner G-P, Dahe Q, Ramaswamy V, Randall D, Rhein M, Rojas M, Sabine C, Shindell D, Stocker TF, Talley L, Vaughan D, Xie S-P 2013. Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis Summary for Policymakers.
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WGIAR5-SPM_Approved27Sep2013.pdf 2.27 MB
Hanson RL 1991. Evapotranspiration and Drought. National Water Summary I988-89-Hydrological Events and Floods and Droughts 99-104
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Evapotranspiration_and_Droughts_Hanson_U.S._Geological_Survey.pdf 890.33 KB
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast Chapter 2: Weather and Water. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures 20-45
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Namibias_coast_2_2012.pdf 5.89 MB
Rothauge A 1998. Drought management in Namibia.
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Drought management in Namibia_1988.pdf 34.8 KB
du Pisani AL 2003. El Nino and its effect on Namibia.
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Spotlight_063.pdf 1.98 MB
Reid H, MacGregor J, Sahlén L, Stage J 2007. Counting the cost of climate change in Namibia. Sustainable Development Opinion.
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Counting the cost of climate change in Namibia_2007.pdf 96.89 KB
Jurya M 2010. Climate and weather factors modulating river flows in southern Angola. International Journal of Climatology 30 901 - 908
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South Angola climate changes_2010.pdf 940.23 KB
Helmschrot J, Muche G, Hillmann T, Josenhans K, Kanyanga J, Butale M, Nascimento D, Kruger S, Strohbach B, Seely M, Wassenaar T, Ribeiro C, de Clercq W, Kenabatho P, Schnegg M, Jürgens N 2017. SASSCAL WeatherNet – Regional climate observation for climate service provision in Southern Africa.
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Helmschrot et al Weathernet ICCS5 Poster.pdf 2.55 MB