sustainable development

Development that provides economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term having regard to the needs of living and future generations. Defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Source: GILP96)

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 430 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Nossob-Auob River Basin.
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MAWF_IWRM booklet Nossob-Auob_RV2.pdf 4.96 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Okavango-Omatako River Basin.
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MAWF_IWRM booklet Okavango-Omatako_RV2.pdf 5.86 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Cuvelai-Etosha River Basin.
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MAWF_IWRM_Cuvelai Etosha Basin_RV2.pdf 9.85 MB
Development Bank of Southern Africa 2012. SADC Environmental Legislation Handbook 2012.
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SADC Environmental legislation Handbook 2012.pdf 3.75 MB
Bernhardt E, Bunn SE, Hart DD, Malmqvist B, Muotka T, Naiman RJ, Pringle C, Reuss M, van Wilgen B 2006. Perspective: The challenge of ecologically sustainable water management. Water Policy 8 475-479
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ecologically sustainable water management_bernhardt_2006_D.pdf 53.75 KB
Thomas DSG, Twyman C 2005. Equity and justice in climate change adaptation amongst natural-resource-dependent societies. Global Environmental Change 15 115-124
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Equity and Justice in CC Adaptation_2005.pdf 252.35 KB
Chitsike F 2003. A Critical Analysis of the Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe.
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TS4_4_chitsike.pdf 84.97 KB
Rahaman MM, Varis O Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges. Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 1 (1) 15-21
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Rahaman_Water Resources_2005.pdf 89.95 KB
Forest Policy Statement.
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national forestry policy.pdf 55.48 KB
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) 2006. Economics of Land Use - Financial and Economic Analysis of Land-Based Development Schemes in Namibia.
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GTZ Economics of Land Use.pdf 1.14 MB
Blackie R, Tarr P 1999. Government policies on sustainable development in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 28_1999.pdf 1.44 MB
Fitter JC 1998. The SARDEP approach. Agricola 10 53 - 56
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The SARDEP approach_1998.pdf 487.3 KB
Dragnich PA, Dungca AC, Pendleton NL, Tracy AR The Cuvelai-Etosha Basin Management Approach: Assessing water resource management in the Iishana sub-basin.
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basi_final_3may_usletter.pdf 3.61 MB
2011. MET NGO Forum 2011. Meeting 1: Minutes.
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Minutes of 1st MET NGO Forum.pdf 242.9 KB
Turpie J, Barnes J, de Longcamp M, Paxton M 2010. Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibia's Protected Area System.
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Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibias Protected Area System.pdf 2.72 MB