A mixture of rock fragments and pebbles that is coarser than sand. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 24 of 24 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Costa G, Petralia A, Conti E, Hänel C 1995. A 'mathematical' spider living on gravel plains of the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 29 (4) 485-494
Lalley JS, Viles HA, Henschel JR, Lalley V 2006. Lichen-dominated soil crusts as arthropod habitat in warm deserts. Journal of Arid Environments 67 (4) 579-593
Cowan D, Ramond J-B 2022. A decade of microbiome research in the Namib Desert. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 69 19-41
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