
The process of bringing a person or a group of persons to an agreed standard of proficiency, by practice and instruction. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 48 of 48 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2015. Junior Farmer Field and Life School – Manuals for Trainers.
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Junior Farmer Field and Life School_Manuals for Trainers.pdf 11.69 MB
Worah S, Svendsen DS, Ongleo C 1999. Integrated conservation and development: A trainer's manual.
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Integrated conservation and development.pdf 47.35 MB
Henschel JR, Lancaster N 2013. Gobabeb – 50 years of Namib Desert Research. Journal of Arid Environments 93 116-125
Mulanda J, Mwenya J, Namalambo E 1999. Draught animal power: Experiences of farmer training in the Northern communal areas of Namibia. Proceedings of an ATNESA Workshop, September 1999, South Africa
Rockingham-Gill DV, Mundy PJ 1994. African crane and wetland training workshop - Botswana. Honeyguide 40 (4) 241 - 246
O'Toole M 1998. Regional cooperative fisheries and oceanographic research and training. Focus on Fisheries and Research (January 1998) 90-91
Smit E 2020. Securing a poaching scene.
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NAM_2020-07_Securing a poaching scene_Namibian Sun.pdf 420.05 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Doing business in conservation agriculture - Facilitator Manual.
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Doing business in conservation agriculture.pdf 44.98 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) An introduction to conservation agriculture - Facilitator Manual.
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An introduction to conservation agriculture.pdf 32.21 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Conservation agriculture and nutrition - Facilitator Manual.
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Conservation agriculture and nutrition.pdf 15.11 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Principles and Practice of Community-based Natural Resource Management - Facilitator Manual.
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Principles and Practice of CBNRM.pdf 7.18 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Increasing Benefits for Conservancy Members - Facilitator Manual.
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Increasing Benefits for Conservancy Members.pdf 14.3 MB
Logan R 2014. Science in the Sand Sea: the fourth Youth Environmental Summit at Sossusvlei. Gobabeb Times 9 (2) 15-16
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Youth Environmental Summit Sossusvlei.pdf 369.94 KB
Smit E 2022. Anti-poaching rangers graduate.
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NAM_2022_04_Anti_poaching rangers graduate_Namibian Sun.pdf 552.93 KB
Stuart-Hill G, Diggle R, Munali B, Tagg J, Ward D 2006. The event book system: community-based monitoring in Namibia. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 9 70-78
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The event book system_ community-based monitoring in Namibia.pdf 263.21 KB
Rigava N, Taylor R, Goredema L 2006. Participatory wildlife quota setting. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 8 62-69
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Participatory wildlife quota setting.pdf 188.92 KB
Davidson A, Mufati R, Ndjavera U 2006. Community-managed tourism small enterprises in Namibia. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 6 45-55
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Community-managed tourism small enterprises in Namibia.pdf 369.76 KB
Child B, Weaver C 2006. Marketing hunting and tourism joint ventures in community areas. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 5 37-44
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Marketing hunting and tourism joint ventures in community areas.pdf 150.27 KB
Goredema L, Bond I, Taylor R 2006. Building capacity for local-level management through participatory technology development. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 4 30-36
Child B 2006. Revenue distribution for empowerment and democratisation. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 3 20-29
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Revenue distribution for empowerment and democratisation.pdf 227.62 KB
Jones B, Mulolani D, Child B 2006. Community conservation and participatory policy processes in southern Africa. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 2 13-19
Togarepi C, Hangula M, Thomas B 2018. Perception of Extension Officials on technology adoption by rural farmers in Omusati Region of Namibia. Namibian Journal for Research, Science and Technology (NJRST) 1 41-48
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development (MAWRD) 2000. Human resources development: Theme Report, Namibia water resources management review. 1-44
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MAWRD_Human resources development 2000.pdf 17.31 MB
McGann J 2004. The current status of UNFCCC Article 6 Work Program Implemenetation in Namibia.
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ne-nam.pdf 22.26 KB
Laak JL, Buckland ST, Anderson DR, Burnham KP 1996. Distance User's Guide V2.2..
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Distance Users Guide V2_2_1996.pdf 607.31 KB