
Conservation agriculture and nutrition - Facilitator Manual


Although Namibia is classified as an upper-middle income country, food security remains a constant concern: "42.3 per cent of the population is undernourished, wasting in children under five years is 7.1 per cent, stunting in children under five years is 23.1 per cent." (The Namibian newspaper, 2017) The Zambezi Region is one of the regions that is most affected by malnutrition. The dietary diversity is very low, which is caused by the marked absence of fruit consumption; very low consumption of pulses; and the relatively modest consumption of vegetables. Ultimately, it is these insufficient dietary requirements that point to why vitamin A deficiencies are very high in the region. At the same time, the quantities of food consumed seem to be more limited than they should be for an area that has a sub-humid climate. Bukania et al. note: "Nutrition-sensitive agriculture that focuses on increasing locally-sourced diversity is more likely to achieve impact [on reducing stunting] in conjunction with population-wide nutrition education, directed especially to caregivers, that emphasises the need for diversified diets."

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