An opening or excavation in the earth for extracting minerals. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 355 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Weston L, Carter R 2014. Specialist Study, Section C2.7 - A Survey of Plankton.
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C2_7_ A Survey of Plankton.pdf 1.81 MB
Kirby B 2014. Specialist Study, Section C2.3 - Thiobacteria.
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C2_3 Thiobacteria.pdf 326.09 KB
Midgley J 2014. Volume 2: Appendices.
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Cover and Intro_Volume-2.pdf 1.1 MB
Midgley J 2014. Volume 1: Main Report.
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Cover and Intro_Volume-1.pdf 2.82 MB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2009. Trekkopje Uranium Project - Environmental and social impact assessment.
2013. Reptile Uranium Namibia - Omahola Project.
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OmaholaProjectPoster2-May2013.pdf 1.22 MB
2013. Reptile Uranium Namibia - Omahola Project.
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OmaholaProjectPoster1_May2013.pdf 1.01 MB
Swakop Vision 2011. Swakop Vision - News for the friends and people of Swakop Uranium.
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Swakop Vision_November_2010.pdf 1.97 MB