deep sea mining

The most valuable of the marine mineral resources is petroleum. About 15% of the world's oil is produced offshore, and extraction capabilities are advancing. One of the largest environmental impacts of deep sea mining are discharged sediment plumes which disperse with ocean currents and thus may negatively influence the marine ecosystem. Coal deposits known as extensions of land deposits , are mined under the sea floor in Japan and England. (Source: PARCOR / ERIB)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 65 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 8 - Environmental management plan.
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Chapter_8_Environmental_Management_Plan.pdf 898.44 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 6 - Public consultation.
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Chapter_6_Public_Consultation.pdf 731.56 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 5 - Socio-economics.
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Chapter_5_Socio-economics.pdf 621.94 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 3 - Project description.
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Chapter_3_Project_Description.pdf 3.14 MB
Midgley J 2012. Appendix 2: Project supporting documentation.
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Appendix_2_Project_Supporting_Docs.pdf 1.62 MB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 2: Legislation and Policy.
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Chapter_2_Legislation_and_Policy.pdf 800.51 KB
Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd 2011. The Sandpiper Phosphate Project, Namibia.
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Project overview.pdf 2.62 MB
Midgley J 2014. Environmental Management Plan.
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Environmental Management Plan_Sandpiper Project_2014.pdf 11.01 MB
2014. Part 3 - Appendices. 76-94
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Peer Review Appendices.pdf 1.08 MB
2014. B2.0 - Cummulative effects assessment. 83-87
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B2_0_Cumulative Effects.pdf 783.63 KB
Gibbons M 2014. B1.4 - Verified assessment of impacts: Jellyfish. 72-82
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B1_Jellyfish.pdf 820.02 KB
Steffani N 2014. B1.3 - Verified assessment of impacts: Macrofauna. 56-72
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B1_3_Macrofauna.pdf 892.82 KB
2014. Volume 2, Appendices: Contents.
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Volume 2 Appendices.pdf 1.56 MB
2014. 5 - Curricula Vitae and Terms of Reference.
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Section D_Appendix 5_CV and TOR.pdf 2.75 MB
Jeremy Midgley and Associates 2014. 4 - Process documentation.
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Section D_Appendix 4_Process Documentation.pdf 3.41 MB
Midgley J 2014. 3.2 - Geophysical Habitat Mapping.
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Appendix 3_2_Geophysical Habitat Mapping.pdf 0 bytes
Marine Data Consultants 2014. 3.1 - Geophysical Processing Procedures.
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Appendix 3_1_Geophysical Processing Procedures.pdf 0 bytes
Capricorn Fisheries Monitoring 2014. 2.5 - Biodiversity Induction Module FV Zeearend.
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Appendix 2_5_Biodiversity Induction Module FV Zeearend.pdf 0 bytes
Lwandle Technologies 2014. 2.3 - CTD Deployment Report FV Zeearend.
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Appendix 2_3_CTD Deployment Report FV Zeearend.pdf 0 bytes
Capricorn Fisheries Monitoring 2014. 2.2 - Cruise Report Biodiversity Survey FV Zeearend.
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Appendix 2_2_Cruise Report Biodiversity Survey FV Zeearend.pdf 0 bytes
Metocean Services International 2014. 1.9 - Instrument Mooring Report: Day 45 to 90.
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Appendix 1_9_ Instrument Mooring Report_Day 45 to 90.pdf 0 bytes
Metocean Services International 2014. 1.8 - Instrument Mooring Report: Day 0 to 45.
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Appendix 1_8_Instrument Mooring Report_Day 0 to 45.pdf 0 bytes
Munnik K, Carter R 2014. 1.6 - Gravity Core: Analysis Requirements.
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Appendix_1_6_Gravity Core_ Analysis Requirements.pdf 0 bytes
2014. Glossary.
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Glossary_Sandpiper Project Volume 1.pdf 585.57 KB
Carter R, Munnik K 2014. Specialist Study, Section C2.1 - Water Column and Sediments.
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C2_1_Water Column and Sediments.pdf 12.1 MB
Weston L, Carter R 2014. Specialist Study, Section C2.7 - A Survey of Plankton.
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C2_7_ A Survey of Plankton.pdf 1.81 MB